Our Future

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To think that I would ever need more hours in a day, than what was really there, never crossed my mind.

But now it did. I was so busy all the time, but I loved it. I love having something to do all the time. I hate to sit still and do nothing. But of course it's nice sometimes. :)

We have been working hard the last couple of months. The restaurant and diner was fixed 2 months ago. And god so many things has happened in that amount of time.

Jake had moved in and his apartment has been made into an office/nap place. Since some of the wolfs went to work straight after patrol. It must be hard so I suggested having a bed in there still......

And I'm no longer a virgin... That's huge.... :D And well lets just say that I'm taking advantage of that.. ;)

Since I talked to Sue and to now 4 months had passed. It's like time just flew by, yet things were done anyway.

I found out 3 weeks ago that I'm pregnant. And it was Leah that found out. I felt the need to eat grapes all the time, though I had always loved them, it was weird that I wanted them all the time now.

Leah had gotten close to me and started to sniff me. That was so weird I tell you. She bent down to sniff my stomach and straightened up again with a, "I knew it" and a huge grin on her face.

She took my hand and let me to my couch and told me the news. I sat there flabbergasted for hours, till Jake came home. Leah told him the news, since I just couldn't get out of my fantasy land. Just as she told me, I saw several things. Like a movie in my head. (One of my powers)

It started with the time she told me and went on to show some highlights of what would be my life.

I saw our wedding and times where Jake would caress my stomach and kiss it. Times where I would be Laughing with dad and Sue in our garden, kids running around playing. I saw the birth of our son, William Charlie Black, and how smart he was. I saw Jake's younger siblings play with him on the beach with Harry. That him and Harry would be really good friends.

I saw the Cullen's come to Forks, and how the pack took to some of them. Edward not being one of them ;)

That Jake and Jasper would become extremely good friends. And Seth and Emmett would be great buddies. I saw how Rose would be really jealous of us, but be happy that I got a family.

I saw years ahead and saw several children playing in the house, while Jake and I looked even more in love than I thought were possible. We looked the same almost. I looked to be a bit over 22 but that must be the age I stop again, to be able to look the part with Jake whom would look about 25 as long as he phases.

I saw me sitting with a baby girl in my arms, singing a song to her, while Alice was sitting next to me filming it. Looking really happy. Immediately I knew that she was her godmother and that she loved her almost like a mother would her own baby.

I saw that all the wolf's would imprint and that Seth would meet his girl in 2 years time. That she would be a orphan that Emily and Sam would adopt. She would be 12 when they get her. Sam would be working at the site and see her, wanting her in their family right away. He would get the feeling with her, and a year later with a small boy at the age of 3. Emily would be pregnant at the time they get the boy.

I even saw that Leah would get 4 more children before she would stop phasing. That the last would be triplets and would be born in about 4 years. She would get pregnant with a daughter in about 5-6 months time...

When I got back to myself I had on a huge smile and jumped in Jake's arms, crying with happiness.

Now we were almost done with his room. (Pic >>> William's room. )

There was only a few things we needed, and I felt at peace knowing that we were ready for him already.

I couldn't wait for the Cullen's to move here, and for all of it to happen, but right now I had enough to look at and spending my time with Jake and our families, to think about that.

I have never been so happy as I am right now.

I was sitting in our garden, hearing several wolf's howl in the woods. Knowing that they had found one, I hurried inside. Knowing that if it smelt me (from my time with the Cullen's) it wouldn't be good. So I hurried into my office to call Jasper.

The last 2 weeks there has been one coming and going all the time. I had a feeling it was Victoria, since she hadn't made an appearance for almost a year. Since it sounded like her when the boys talked about how the vamp girl looked like.

They hadn't been able to get her, so I thought it was about time that I called for help.....

I just hope they would get here, before someone got hurt..........

Time to start anew. (A Bella & Jake story) abandoned for now.Where stories live. Discover now