chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Thank you for reading, I must say that I think this might be the best chapter I have ever written. I really hope I got the emotions right and that you will be able to feel like you were there. Tell me what you think in the form of a comment! :)

I felt a warm radiance on my face as my eyes opened. I was temporarily blinded by the light(haha-get it? the song? shining through my window. I got up and stretched before looking at the clock. It was only ten in the morning. I hated when I woke up at this time. It was the middle of the morning, not early enough that I could go back to sleep and not late enough to go out and do anything. Everything downstairs was quiet and I wondered where my dad and sister were. Sundays my dad doesn't have work and my sister usually stays home and does nothing. I sat there listening to the placid quiet, trying to see if I was the only one home. After a while I decided I was and I got up to go take a shower. I was glad that I was by myself. It could give me time to think about my situation. As I got into the shower and felt the tepid water on my back, my muscles relaxed and my brain seemed to work better. Here are the facts; Les and I have been friends since we were seven. Each year our relationship has grown. We know so much about each other. WIth everything I learned about him I fell for him even more. He has this glow about him, he can make anyone smile without trying. He is always happy and when he isn't you know something is wrong. That is how I know that there is something major going on with him. Lately he hasn't been himself. I see him with his friends, he seems happy and content, but if you look closer you can tell that the smiles that are on his face are fake. I know it does't have to do with what I told him because he has been acting this way for awhile. I really wish he would tell me what is going on so I can help.

I turned off the comfortable warmth and stepped out of the shower. No longer under the water I felt cold. I quickly wrapped the towel around my head and grabbed the other one for my body. I forgot to bring my clothing so I padded my way down the hall to my room. As I opened the door I saw a piece of paper taped in the middle of it. I ripped it off the door and went into the room. I opened it as I went to my closet. It was from my dad saying that him and Renee had went out shopping to spend time together. They wouldn't be back until dinner. I smiled at the fact that I would be alone today. I wasn't jealous that dad had only taken Renee out, they needed to bond. Dad hasn't seen Renee in awhile.

I hurridly got dressed because my fingers were starting to turn blue from the frigid air. Why was the house so cold? I went to the thermostat and it was on seventy. I shrugged and started to blow dry my hair. After my hair was bone dry I went to the window and opened it. I stuck my hand out and was suprised that it was warmer outside than it was inside. I looked out the window, across the street. Right across from my house was another regular house. It looked like mine except it was white, unlike the tan that our house was. It was a gorgeous day. The leaves on the trees were many different colors. It was the middle of November so the colors ranged from orange, to red, to yellow. I inhaled the crisp fall air. This was my favorite time of year. The hot summer days have cooled off and the winter days are approaching. I loved that fact that if you went outside during the days, the air would have a slight frost but if you stood in the sun you would easily be warmed from its rays. I thought today would be a good day just to hang out outside. I left my window open as I went under my bed to grab my sneakers. I tied the laces like Renee showed me when I was little and jogged downstairs. I took Renee's jacket again and my cell phone. I saw some money on the counter. I looked around to see it anyone was around then inconspicuously took it and counted it. There was about fifteen dollars. I put it in my back pocket and left the kitchen.

I was hit with the perfect fall air as soon as I opened the front door and stepped onto the porch. I locked the door and skipped down the steps. I was in a good mood today. I smiled as I walked across the lawn and stepped on the fallen leaves. They made a crunch sound and I thought it would be a good idea to make a leaf pile. I was going to go around the house to get the rake when I thought of a better idea. I ran down the street until I came to the stop sign and then I turned left. I kept going until I came to the four way intersection. I continued straight and kept running. My body was starting to heat up so I took off the jacket. I didn't stop until I came to the house with a white fence and a cobble stone walk way. I jogged up the walk way and knocked on the door to the most beautiful house. A few seconds later a tall woman in her fourties opened the door. She had long, blonde, curly hair and her face was covered in make-up. If there was anymore on her face then she would look like a clown. The lady gave me a forced smile and said, "Hello dear. Can I help you with something?"

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