Gangster Love (Part Four)

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Drake- Kemmie I'm dying, I've got a brain tumour.  

Tears streamed down my face as I ran out the room and flew down the stairs and ran onto the beach and I just kept running and running and running and eventually I stopped running realising that I had nothing to run to and no where to run.

As I turned around everyone was so far away now and when I looked in front of me all that was left was miles and miles of sand.

Me- Please don't take him away from me.  

I said falling onto my knees and grabbing sand in each hand with my head facing down like I'd just been defeated after fighting a long battle.  

Me- Please  

I whispered into the air.  

Me- Please.

Flawless was right it was funny how things can just go wrong in a matter of minuets. I knew it was too good to be true, Drake was everything a girl could possibly want. He was caring and kind and gentle and loving and he was mine....not officially but he was mine.

I thought that we'd get together one day and be together for a long time, just having fun and messing about. But he was dying and even though I knew everyone had to die one day it was still painful to know that one of these days I'm going to wake up and he won't be here anymore. He'll never be able to hug me and tell me things will be ok or to cheer me up when I'm down.

That's what hurt me the most, just never being able to touch him or feel his lips against mine or to even watch him sleep peacefully or to lay on him and listen to his hear beat steadily in his chest.

I finally understood why he always kept telling me time was limited and why he often went into his own world and would return to reality looking solemn. I now understood why he didn't buy himself any clothes that day and why he said to me "it's just money Kemmie, when you die you leave it behind" It all made sense.

It was amazing how he just accepted it and how I never heard him complain even when he was ill he just lay in bed and rested and when he got up he just got on with it.

Me- My poor baby.  

Then I realised one last thing why he had said to me "I've got one last chance to find a girl and make her really happy" as I remembered that day tears fell down my cheek onto the dry sand making it lump together like lumpy porridge.  

Me- Please don't take him away from me..........please


I hauled myself out of bed and began putting on my shoes.  

Mum- What are you doing?  

Me- I'm going to find Kemmie.  

Mum- Drake give her time, plus your not well just lay down.  

Drake- NO.......I'm going to find her, you wanted me to tell her and now I did, now I've got to deal with the consequences. This is my problem mum and I need to sort it out FOR MYSELF and BY MYSELF and plus I'm starting to feel better anyway.  

As I left the room the image of Kemmie's face when I told her the news popped into my head and it pained my soul. I knew I'd have to tell her someday but I didn't want her to find out like this it had all gone wrong and now I needed to let her know exactly how I felt about her.

As I walked along the beach I was fully alert I didn't want to miss her, as I walked it began to rain and people were running into the hotel for shelter and those people who wasn't staying at the hotel just ran under tress and in their cars for shelter.

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