#26 You're a mermaid (supernatural)

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You're a mermaid

*Austin's POV*

It was early morning, and I was chilling on my small private beach on the backyard of my summer house. The sun was shining, starting to warm the water but it was still ice cold. My toes were hurting, that's how cold it was. But just when I'm about to go back inside to the house I see something in the water, only meters away from me. I hear myself gasp when I see two (Y/E/C) eyes staring at me. But the weird thing is that the person is under water, with it's mouth open. I panicked, thinking the person in the water was dead. But when the person stuck up it's head I relaxed.

"Hi" the person said and my stomach turned, hearing her voice.

"Hey, may I ask what you're doing here?" I ask, chuckling.

"Umm I was just swimming around when I saw some weird things in the water, and I wanted to see what it was" she say pointing towards my toes. I furrow my eyebrows together.

"Don't  you have toes?" I ask and she blushes when our eyes meet..

"Toes..? Oh umm no" she says and suddenly a tail comes up from the water in front of me. I gasp again and stares on the tail. It's pink and yellow, and it sparks as the sun shines on it.

"Wow" I whisper before slowly touching the tail with my fingertips. She laughs and shakes her tail, making water fly straight into my face.

"It tickles" she says making us both laugh again. Suddenly she grabs my leg and touches it, studying every part of them.

"So weird, how can you move?" she asks and I stand up, walking around.

"It's easy, and I can also swim with them" I say and her eyes grows at the word 'swim'.

"You mean you can join me in the water? Since I don't have legs" she says and give me a sad look.

"Sure, but I can't breathe under water like you" I say before stepping into the ice cold water. My teeth start clapping together and I stand still, trying to get used to the cold water. She giggles and hold out her hand for me.

"Come on" she says and drags me out from the beach.


When his hand touches yours, your whole body gets warm and you hope that you're not blushing. He is soon in the water and moving his 'legs' trying to stay over the water surface.

"Still cold?" you ask and he nods. Suddenly you remembered that you never asked for his name.

"What's your name?"you asked and he smiled, probably surprised because of your random question.

"Austin, and yours?" he asked and you said your name.

"Y/N, that's a beautiful name" he said and you took his hand looking into his eyes.

"Let me show you my world Austin" you said before slowly going underwater with him following you, still holding his hand. You showed him your home, and of course you went back up over the water surface so he could breathe.

Suddenly the night came and you took Austin back to the beach. He took a towel and wrapped it around him. You waved at him before slowly turning around.

"Wait! No goodnight kiss?" you heard Austin ask and your turned back around, smiling at him.

"Of course Austin" you said before lifting your body up on one of the stones. Austin smiled before looking down at your lips and suddenly you felt something warm on top of your lips. You smiled into the kiss and you felt Austin doing the same. After the kiss you just stared into each others eyes.

"I have to go" you said, making Austin's smile fade away.

"But I'll see you tomorrow, right?" he asks looking like he was almost gonna cry.

"I'll see you tomorrow" you said and jumps back into the water, swimming back towards your home.

This was something illegal for you and your kind. To love a human.


Well I was bored and I've spent my whole day in bed because Mother Nature hates me right now... So I just wrote something for you guys! ^^ Sorry if I wrote something wrong but I'm really tired... 

If you have any preference idea, just give me a comment! It really helps, thank youuuu! <3 xox

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