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I stood next to Seto Kaiba, my back was perfectly straight and my legs a shoulders length apart, hands clasped tightly behind my back.

A soldier's stance that had been trained into me for the last six years, since I'd been only twelve years old. My family had always had high expectations of me, had always thought that I'd be a lady who married a high class man.. But by age ten they'd realized I'd rather fight than dance, I'd rather climb a tree instead of sit with my legs crossed daintily.

Thankfully, unlike many families, they put their own wants for me behind them and invested into something which I would love.


So this was my job, after years of training; I stood next to one of the richest people in the world andI guarded him with my life. I took care of the bigger fish in his dangerous life while two others handled the lesser evils.

As soon as I was eighteen, Kaiba hired me. He said others wouldn't believe me capable of properly guarding him. In the four months since I'd begun working for him, nothing had happened really but with Kaiba's newest tournament having started, he'd been getting a lot of threats.

As Kaiba stood on the podium addressing the ever-growing crowd, a shot rang out. I heard it ricochet off the metal directly behind him before I felt an odd burning in my side. I knew the bullet had hit me but I did my best to ignore the fact as I pulled Seto towards me.

As I herded him down the steps and to safety, I made sure to cover his body with my own so that if another bullet was fired, it would more than likely hit me.

With adrenaline rising, I could hardly feel my wound; I just felt this undying, unwavering need to protect Seto Kaiba. I knew it wasn't just my job that had me so protective of him, it was easy for me to admit that I had feelings for the man.

I had had them since I was sixteen, which is how I knew I could have this job and do it to perfection; because I loved him, and I'd protect him no matter what.

"Nano! Get Kaiba and the kid to the basement!" The voice crackled in through my headset before I replied in an affirmative and shepherded Seto and Mokuba down several halls along with a few other high-ups towards the set of stairs that led to the basement.

I grunted as one of the women who followed behind me shouldered me in my side to get passed our group and further away from the danger. Kaiba glanced my way. Unlike many of the others surrounding us, he stayed calm and walked directly beside me so that it was easy for me to get him out of danger should anything further arrive. His hand gripped onto his little brother's, and I knew he was just as ready to jump in front of a bullet for Mokuba as I was for him.

When we arrived to the lower level, I had everyone go into one of the safety tanks and radioed the other two guards that Kaiba had hired.

"Kaiba is safe, one minor injury to another body, I repeat; Kaiba is safe. I want everyone out of the park, clear this place out."

"Who has the injury?" One of the kinder looking women asked as her eyes scanned over everyone else but myself. It seemed most people assumed bodyguards couldn't be harmed. Whatever it was in their dim minds that made them think that, I didn't know, but regardless I didn't plan to answer the question.

"Ladies, and gentlemen I'm going to ask you to please take a seat and remain calm. This will be over soon, I assure you."

"Three suspects have been seen, one headed your way Nano. Have you got it covered?" The same voice as before came over my radio, static nearly making the words unknown to me. I could just barely make them out.

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