Sit judgement, no hate

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Sit down

Right before night falls

No judgment, no hate

Sit down to feel

Sit down to listen

Sit down to be

Sit down and feel the grass

Feel  how soft it is,

Look at how it stands tall

Sit and feel the wind

Feel how it caresses your skin

Feel how a chill runs through your body

Feel how it embraces you

Listen how the wind blows

Listen to the sounds it carries

Listen to the whining of a child

Listen to the car passing by

Listen to the howls

Listen to the chirping

Listen to the sirens

Listen to the wild

Can you hear it?

Can you hear how the wind rustles the leaves?

Can you hear how the wind sways the trees?

Can you hear the random bee passes by

annoying your senses?

Listen now, and maybe

You’ll hear a cricket

Singing its song announcing the night

You can decide to stay, or take flight. 

Sit judgement, no hateWhere stories live. Discover now