Chapter 11

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Aaron held up a hand and I stopped, looking down at the edge of the table. Did I say something wrong? I thought back over what I said and then it snapped into clarity.


I told him Nick was an escaped POW.

Oh god.


Nick, I am so sorry.

I risked a glance up at Aaron, expecting him to demand more information about Nick on the spot. He only smiled gently and lowered his hand to the desk.

“You’re afraid,” he said.

“I’m committing treason, should I be smiling?” I asked. “People are being hurt because of what I did, should I be laughing? Why would I be happy, if people lost their lives because of me?”

He doesn’t want to know more about Nick?

Aaron’s lips pursed and he leaned back in his seat. We stared at each other for what felt like an eternity, well…he stared at me, I looked back for a little while before pretending to become extremely interested in one of the scorch marks on my leg.

“You are safe here, Tawny. Those things should make you feel guilty, not afraid,” Aaron said. “What are you afraid of?”

My lip began to quiver as the words filled my throat, threatening to spill over my lips in a heap.

“Are you afraid of what is going to happen to Nick?” Aaron asked.

“Neither military will take him! You won’t be able to ransom him. He fought for your side with the resistance, you can’t punish him! You just can’t!” The words came quickly, spilling out before I could stop them. I found myself standing with both hands slammed down on the table. The blanket fell to my ankles. My cheeks warmed up as I hastily sat and looked down at my feet once more. “Where is he?” I whispered.

“He’s calming down in a holding cell,” Aaron replied. “Nobody has decided what’s going to happen to him, yet. He broke out of a high security prison camp, injuring several guards in the process; we have every right to punish him.”

“Please, don’t punish him,” I whimpered.

“He is an enemy soldier, why shouldn’t we?” Aaron asked.

“I’m an enemy soldier, are you going to punish me?” I asked. “How do I know you aren’t just going to use what I am telling you against me?”

Aaron sat silently for a moment. “Tawny, I need you to trust me. You have valuable information, I know it, but if you don’t trust me, more people could die.”

“I could trust you and still get screwed,” I said.

“I wouldn’t screw you, Tawny,” Aaron said.

“None of my friends are punished,” I said. “That’s my only condition.”

“I cannot promise—”

“You’re a commander, aren’t you?”

“I am a commander, yes,” Aaron nodded. “That doesn’t mean I have control over who does or doesn’t go to a POW camp.”

“None of us are punished for crimes committed,” I said. “Or I stop talking right now.”

Aaron pursed his lips and stood, “I will see what I can do.” He walked out of the room.

I picked up the blanket and wrapped it around my shoulders once more. I rested my forehead on the cool desk and breathed out. I’m so sorry, Nick.

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