Chapter 11

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As Jade rode the elevator up to the fifteenth floor the next day, she couldn't help the way her heart sped up. She felt giddy and excited. Last night, she'd felt care free and at ease alone with him in the quiet restaurant which they'd eaten.

The sexual tension between them was still as strong as ever. In fact, last night in bed alone, Jade had found herself wondering if Nick would finally be the one. Although, she was raised traditionally, she didn't actually strongly believe in no sex before marriage. She wasn't against it either, she just believed that if it was meant to happen, it would and if it wasn't then it wouldn't. All through high school and college, she'd dated but nothing had ever felt like being with Nick. Jade wanted him so much, it was nothing like she'd ever felt for any one. It was the first time she'd ever felt such raw sexual magnetism with any man.

Maybe he wouldn't mind that he was going to be her first, he hadn't seemed to mind when he'd kissed her. She'd never been kissed with such intensity, it sent the pleasure pooling in her. She didn't know where their relationship was going; if they even had a relationship, but she felt unusually wild. The good old Jade would have fled the first time he'd taken her and kissed her until she forgot her name, but she was willing to see it to the end. She was twenty-four and a full-grown woman, she could handle him.

The elevator stopped and Jade stepped out into the usual organized bustle of the floor.

"Hey Jade! Can you come over here for a minute?" Jade looked into the first office by the waiting area.

"And good morning to you too, Ben" she said walking in.

"Sorry, It's just eight O' clock and I'm already up to my ears in work" Ben said, sighing.

"I understand"

He extended a few files towards her.

"Those are the account files the boss wanted. The new investors from Spain forwarded those. You have to balance and add it up before you submit them to him," Ben said.

Jade looked through the files and nodded.

"I'll get started on it"

"Thanks" he replied. "Oh and Jade, if I were you, I'd avoid Amanda. The last time I saw her, she was looking for you and she was carrying a whole bag of correspondence to go sort."

"Thanks" she laughed, exiting his office and heading to her own.

She set her stuff on her desk and booted her computer. There were a few mails from the investing firm from Spain. They were sending a representative for negotiations. An hour and many calculations later, the balance sheet was just about finished when the intercom beeped. Heart pounding, she pressed the button.

"Hey" his voice was low and warm.

"Good morning" Jade's voice was unsure and unstable. She couldn't help the way her heart picked up automatic speed at the sound of his voice. It thudded so loudly in her chest; surely, if she saw him this way, he would hear it. He was like a drug, a heady intoxicant that she could help but crave.

"Come in" the line disconnected.

She gathered files, jotting and stood up. She walked into his office, tapping on the door lightly. She opened it and shut it gently before gathering enough courage to look up. She gaped at what she saw.

Nick was sprawled out on what happened to be a push out bed. He lay on his back, his arm casually sprung out over his forehead. The CEO of one of the top real estate companies in the country had a roll out bed in his office. Because his office was tastefully designed, Jade had never noticed the space in the wall for the bed before. She swallowed. A bottle of wine stood on the floor and she noted that although he was dressed for work in suit trouser and shirt, his jacket was nowhere to be found.

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