You are the light in my life.. Without you, I'm nothing

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Part 20:

*6 months later*

It's been six months since Hailie was admitted to hospital. This day, 6 months ago was the last time Harry spoke to Hailie, when she spoke back. Harry hadn't left the hospital in six months. Not even at Christmas time. There had been cancelled tours, book signings, meet and greets, and just general days out. Harry never went to any of them. Everyday, he would sit by her bed, hold her hand and just say sweet things to her. Then he would pray. He would pray that God could bring Hailie's waking day closer. That he would have her back soon. That she would wake up and remember who she was. He pulled his chair closer and stroked the bandages around her head. "my fault" he whispered. "m-my my fault!" he put his head down on her arm, and cried into it. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" he shook as he cried. It's too bad he wasn't there to see Hailie's eyes flutter open. Her throat was dry and she could barely speak. "H-Haz, can you pass me the water bottle please?" Harry's head shot up. He wiped his tears. "HAILIE!" he kissed her all over, making her giggle. Harry gasped. "the doctor. DOCTOR? NURSE? SHE'S AWAKE!!" they both ran in. "hello Miss Anderson, how are you feeling?" Hailie nodded. "fine" the nurse began unwrapping her bandages. "how does your head feel?" Harry sat down and took her hand. He looked at her in awe. It was as if she was dead or something. "now, what do you remember?" she was confused. "remember?" the doctor nodded. "you see, Miss Anderson, you just woke up from a six month coma" Hailie gasped. She looked at Harry. Swollen, red eyes. "really?" the doctor nodded again. "oh my god" she turned to Harry. "I'm so so so so sorry to have to put you through that" Harry shook his head. "it's my fault" the doctor spoke once again. "Miss Anderson, you were dropped onto a kitchen tile floor, and you cut your wrists deeply on a corner of a counter" Hailie looked at her left wrist. Her whole forearm was bandaged up. Harry passed her water, and she drank it quickly. Considering she hasn't had anything to drink in a long time, she wanted it badly. "now, you're awake and completely safe, but I'd just be aware of one thing" Harry and Hailie looked at the doctor. "any hard hit to the head could result in damage. So please be careful, you too" the nurse changed Hailie's bandages, before leaning down and whispering in her ear. "you know what that means, no sex. Oh, and it's also because we don't want you pregnant either" the nurse stood up and winked, making Hailie laugh. Harry looked confused, but didn't say anything. "nurse?" Hailie said as the nurse was about to leave. "yes?" Hailie cleared her throat. "when can I leave?" she smiled. "I'll confirm with doctor" Hailie nodded, before turning back to Harry. "c'mere you" she held out her arms, and Harry gladly hugged her, tightly. "I'm so sorry, Harry, I shouldn't have put you through all that" he shook his head. "it's my fault. It's my fault we had that fight. It's my fault I was jealous over someone who just wanted to be friends with you" Hailie smiled. "how have the others been? What happened while I was comatose?" Hailie gasped. "is anyone pregnant?!" Harry laughed. "no, noone's pregnant. Everyone's great, they've been extremely worried about you though. The girls haven't stopped crying at all. We didn't do much while you were in the coma, we were supposed to go on tours and stuff but we cancelled them" Hailie gasped again. "Harry why?!" Harry squeezed her hand gently. "because I couldn't bear to be away from you if you woke up" tears came to Hailie's eyes. She kissed Harry as the others walked in, heads down. "hey Haz how's she to- HAILIE!" Niall screamed. "hello!" she was squished buy about seven people running to get a hug. "I can't believe you're awake!" Perrie, Danielle and Eleanor screamed together. "I can't believe I was in a coma!" Hailie said, making them all laugh. Everyone sat down in the chairs, talking with Hailie, catching her up on everything she'd missed. "and can you believe Harry never left the hospital?" Danielle said. Hailie turned to Harry. "is that true?" she said, her voice only a small bit louder than a whisper. Harry nodded. "you're amazing.. What'd you do all day?" Harry smiled, and took her hand. "I used to sit here, and watch you sleep. I'd cry, and I'd tell you stories about our two years together. Then I'd tell you all the things I love about you. Today I was going to tell you my 300th reason, but you woke up" tears streamed down Hailie's face. "you're amazing" she kissed him. "I know" they smiled and continued talking with everyone, who was so excited to have Hailie back in their lives.


Yay! Hailie's awake! Ahh! I just couldn't bear to see Harry so heartbroken :/

What'd you all think? I hope you liked it! :)

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