Chapter 3

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Dedicated to @BelWatson for two reasons. 1) She guessed the last movie gif - 17 Again - first! 2) She also made the lovely cover, and I completely forgot to dedicate the first chapter to her because that's what I was going to do originally! So yeah, she's the reason that there's a beautiful cover on the side :) 

Hope you like the chapter! Sorry it took forever, school is crazy!! :)


I woke up that day with a massive headache. And I mean massive. Like brick pounding on head massive. It was what I imagined a hangover headache to feel like, but I'd never had a hangover. I'd never even had alcohol, except for at church.

I forced myself out of bed, brushed my teeth, washed my face, and headed downstairs. I took down an Advil with some apple juice, hoping for some sort of relief of pain. 

I poured myself a bowl of cereal and sat down at the countertop. I pulled out my phone, checking through my Twitter feed. My mum didn't really like the fact that I had a Twitter, but oh well. I was in love. With Twitter, not a boy, in case you were confused. 




I never gave him my number! Time to panic. How was I supposed to ever talk to him again? Tweeting was always a possibility, but in reality, what were the odds he'd see my tweet? And I didn't suppose that I could just Google his number. He was a famous popstar!

So last night was it? I thought. I won't see him again? To think he might've liked me. Surely if he liked me he would've asked me for my number. This is just brilliant. Just brilliant.

This day was terrible so far. I wanted for the previous night to be a dream, so I wouldn't feel like I missed that chance to give Louis my number. I couldn't help but think that he might've given me a ring. 

Ugh, I was so stupid. Stupid for not giving Louis my number, stupid for thinking about it again, stupid for even thinking that Louis could've possibly liked me. I always thought guys liked me. Why couldn't I get over the fact that anyone of the male species would never ever like me? I was like a foreign animal that they were scared of getting to close to.

Okay, bad simile, but still. You get the point.


It's not even that I wanted a boyfriend; I just wanted to feel like I mattered to someone, or to even feel like they noticed me. Of course, they noticed me. I was royalty, sadly. I wanted them to notice me for being beautiful or incredible or something. I don't know!

Slight freakout, but was that really so much to ask for? I just didn't want to die forever alone with a few dozen cats in a little ranch in the forest surrounded by trees using a cane and being extremely sad and lonely and- if you were wondering I had the entire picture painted in my head... don't ask. I just thought about this a lot, okay? Okay.

I decided to tweet my feelings. Normal people do that, okay.

@thenameisrosie: headaches are terrible. aaaandddd so is being #foreveralone

I wondered if I'd ever see Louis again in my entire life. It was highly unlikely. I doubted he'd ever play at one of my mum's events again, and it's not like I would just run into him at the grocery store. After all, I was a princess and he was a popstar. See? If I was a normal girl, then I wouldn't have to worry about this type of thing. I'd never meet a popstar, therefore I could fangirl with my best friends and be a stalker, and also have a normal boyfriend or something. But no, my life decided to be screwed up 110% of the time.

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