Chapter fifteen ~ Rachel and Nathan's Secret...

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Tom PoV

I closed the door behind us loudly, causing Rachel to jump slightly. 

I stood and looked at her for a few moments, trying to gage exactly what the emotions in her eyes where. It looked a cross between nervousness and hope. I frowned when she bit her lip, pulling away from me. 

"Dont do that" I said quietly, reaching up with my free hand to pull her lip away from her teeth.  

She froze but smiled a bit in return before sighing and holding up her room key, "let's go and talk" she said turning and pulling me along with her to the stairs.

"So" I began, dropping down onto one of the beds, "do you remember what I said?" I ask.  

"Yeah I do now" she replies sitting next to me and crossing her legs and I turn so that we're facing each other.

"I really do like you" she continues looking up at me when i dont reply and I smile a bit. 

"I do too" I say before leaning into her and capturing her lips with mine, that was until she bit my lip.

"Owch!" i exclaim pulling away from her and she looks at me sheepishly.

Max PoV

"Yeah, but back to earlier, your actually telling me that them two have already slept together?" I ask amused, I can't believe I didn't know. Tom normally tells me everything.

"They have" Abbie agreed nodding, "do you recon they're together now then?" she asked fiddling with her nails and glancing up at us, mainly Nathan but that was expected.

"Probably, they'd make a pretty cute couple" Nathan said, casting a look to Jay, who was sat against the wall and hadn't said anything for the past few minutes. "you okay mate?" he questioned frowning,  

Jay looked up and blinked, "yeah, I think -hic- I'm a bit drunk" he said nodding and hiccuping. 

I nodded as did Nathan. In fact we all where pretty drunk bar Rachel and Tom who hadn't returned. They'd lefty nearly an hour ago, and we'd abandoned the game, instead just drinking whatever and chatting.

"I think I'm going to bed" Abbie said before yawning loudly, and standing clumsily. "I wish me and Rach had separate rooms you know"  

I looked at her confused, "why?" I asked and she looked down at me like I was stupid. 

"'coz them two are in there" she answered me like it was obvious. I nooded slightly and she smiled. "night then" she said blowing us all kisses. 

"Wait I'm coming, let's go to mine" Nathan said jumping up quickly and following Abbie out of the door.

I pouted slightly, looking at Siva who was fast asleep on my bed.  

"C'mon" I said pulling Jay up, and laughing when he fell back down, pulling me down with him so we ended up a heap on the floor. I blinked for a minute before getting up and trying again, this time being successful. "bed time" I mumbled.

I pulled him out of the door, started towards his room, pushed him inside and then headed to Sivas room where i passed out face first on his bed.

Abbie PoV

I woke up to the sound of people talkering. Yes talkering, it's a cross between talking and whispering. 

I cautiously looked up to where Rachel was stood with Nathan and I stayed quiet trying to hear what they where saying without being noticed,

"So when then?" Nathan says sounding confused. 

"Just not now, it's too soon" Rachel says with her back to me, "Just give it a few more weeks"

I really wonder what their talking about, it sounds quite serious too.

Nathan responds by nodding and glancing over to the bed, where I am currently laying, pretending to be asleep. They didn't say anything else but the next thing I heard was some shuffling, a door closing and then Nathan's sweet voice in my ear saying, 

"I know your awake" As soon as the words left his lips I froze and he laughed, so I opened one of my eyes to look guiltily at his face. His eyes where alight and he had a big grin on his face.

"Go and get dressed" he commanded "We're going to the beach today"

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