1. three's company

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1. there are themes of polyamory in this story. that is, the idea of more than two people engaging in a relationship. please do not be alarmed!! polyamory is an increasingly growing practice and tbh there's not much wrong w it like it doesnt HURT anyone so. anywho there are themes of it so if u dont like please dont read

2. brief "puck bunny" spoilers. i mean, admittedly they're spoilers u will have seen coming, but they're there, so i feel obligated to inform u of them.

3. this one-shot was written before maryam mirzakhani won the field's medal. as a result, when lydia is referred to as the first female winner of the field's medal, it is now inaccurate, but i was a little unwilling to change it, because "second female winner of the field's medal" doesn't have as much of a ring to it. sorry. 

4. if anyone can get why allison and toby's sock on the door code is "code y", i will actually pay them with my blood.

this is el's requested one-shot prize. it is the only one set in the original eon universe. it is long and i've basically poured my heart and soul into it and i like to think it's canon, but you don't have to. that's all. please enjoy. -- mariam


You don't seem to realise that in married life, three is company and two is none. ›

Algernon Moncrieff, The Importance of Being Earnest (Oscar Wilde)


         ALLISON IS running late and in dire need of a coffee.


        "Mm," her best friend staggers to the doorway of his bedroom, yawning and running a hand through his hair. "I'm not making you coffee. That's, like, the third time this week."

        "It is not the third time this week," Allison huffs as she attempts to simultaneously zip up her dress and pull on one of her high heels without falling over.

        "'Tis," Toby disagrees, yawning again.

        "Well, I've been washing the dishes all of this week."

        This makes him pause, looking slightly doubtful, but he seems determined not to lose the argument.


        "Toby, I can't be late."

        "You already are. What's a few minutes?"


        "Fine," he lets out, hitching up his pyjama bottoms and padding past her down the hallway into the kitchenette. "Only for those poor kids who are going without their first period Biology otherwise."

        "Thank you," Allison sniffs, following him. "You haven't happened to see a bunch of AP homework around here, somewhere, have you?"

        "No, I haven't," Toby rolls his eyes, retrieving the coffee from a cupboard above his head. "And I still don't understand how a head of faculty can be so disorganised all the time."

        "Shut up," Allison mumbles, moving the various scripts and other papers on the coffee table in search of the missing AP homeworks. "I'm having a bad week."

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