Who am I?

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Teach me Oh Lord, give me a heart of discernment.

Let me Learn from your commands and obey your

Decrees. Lead me through the temptations that my

Sinful heart so evilly desires and give me a mind

and Heart pure and pleasing in your sight. Guide me

On the path of righteousness. Protect me from the

Things of this world. Continually humble me to

Repentance and call me to serve for thee. Let me be

Wise among the people even when everything

Seems to be falling apart. Let me be able to always

Depend on you, and never me. Make me watch

my Tongue and bear fruit that will last. I have hope

that You are always with me. I know you will never

Forsake me. You comfort me when darkness wants

To take my life. You pull me out before it can

Suffocate me. You put me through the fire so I can

Be refined. You mold me as you break me and lift

Me up so I can thank thee. I deserve nothing, but

Yet you yourself chose me. Who am I? I am nothing.

Out of everyone you chose me to do your will. Who

am I but a servant, not worthy of anything you give me.

You called me and I have accepted, so led me

And let me not ever reject thee.


Hello! Yes I am still alive and I'm grateful to be living! I'm not exactly sure why everyone is messaging me that they want me username. Sorry you can't have it....I'm not sure if you realize this but it would totally mess my whole account up. Anyways God is so good! He always is and never doubt that:) have a good one guys! Peace!!:D

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