Chapter 7

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I smoothed the fabric of my high-waisted skirt, the black material snug over my hips and belly. For once, wearing something fitted didn't bother me too much because the Amazing Curves piece flattened out my jiggly bits into sleek lines. Pulling at my low cut scarlet blouse, I asked, "How long?"

"Two minutes, Evi." The crew were setting up around me on the catwalk. Our live cross was coming up fast; I wouldn't be able to see Matt and Taylor, but they would be able to see me, and I could hear them through an earpiece. I was feeling shaky.

Heather knew it. "Are you okay?" she asked, attaching my mic pack to the back of my skirt. "You'll be fine."

"It's been a week since we spoke," I whispered. "What if it's weird?"

She smiled reassuringly. "You'll do great. You've been so tough. A man who bets on getting into your pants isn't worth your time. I'm proud that you haven't even responded to his email."

"Um..." I diverted my eyes upwards, pretending to observe the cloudy Melbournian sky through the clear ceiling of the giant tent.

"Evi... Did you reply the other day?"

"I might have asked him about his family..."

"What?" Heather squawked so loudly, the crew looked up in curiosity.

"Shh!" I hissed at her. "It's your fault! You were the one who said I didn't know anything about him! So, I was trying to do research."

"What did he say?" Her hazel eyes were narrow; she was interested despite her misgivings.

"He's got two brothers and his dad is dead. He's the only non-academic in the family. He was really open about everything."

"What did you send back?"

I shrugged on my white kimono jacket, careful not to disturb my lapel mic. "What makes you think I sent anything?"

"Because, despite what he's done, you still like him. You're still hoping he'll turn out to be the good guy you want him to be."

It was true. "I asked him why he's still single."

"Jeeze, Evi, dive straight in, why don't you?"

"I've got a good reason! If he tells me about his dating history, I'll have a better idea of the kind of person he is, and if he balks, I'll know he's hiding stuff."

Heather puffed her cheeks and blew out a breath. "I hope it works. But you still need to get through this morning."

"I'm more worried about not telling Taylor to piss off on air..."

"Well, we've got a seven second delay. I'm sure they'll bleep you." She flicked a piece of lint off my shoulder and gave me a swift hug. "You look terrific."

"Thanks, honey." I felt pretty good, strong in my bold shades, with my hair scooped up in a high, dominatrix-style ponytail.

Voices began to sound through my ear piece and the camera man gestured to me. "Twenty seconds, Evi."

I heard Taylor's simpering voice first. "So, it's time to check in with the former host of Jumpstart, Evi Moore!"

"She's still our host, everyone. Evianna has just been out on a special assignment." Matt's defence made me melt a little, his familiar tones like a balm against Taylor's grating ones. "#WhereisEvi has been trending nationally all week, and now we can reveal Evianna has been down in Melbourne, experiencing Fashion Week from behind the scenes. Good morning, Evianna! You're a sight for sore eyes!"

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