Chapter Eight.

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Chapter Eight.

I've planned what I'm going to do with Harry.

No, I'm not going to speak to him.

I'm going to try to ignore him.

If this doesn't work, then I'm not sure what I'm going to do.

I really do hope it works.

''Sage, call Cam to make sure she's coming!'' Sam calls down to me, from where she's painting her nails in my bedroom.

I walk to the living room in silence. My house seems different now that there are no screams or shouts coming from one or two of my family members.

Too quiet.

I pick up the phone and dial Cam's number, which is written down on a piece of paper beside the telephone.

''Hello? Cam speaking.''

''Cam, it's Sage.''

''Hey Sage! How's it going?''

''It's going good,'' I giggle. ''And yourself?''

''Yeah, same.''

''Yesterday when I got in, Camden started grilling me about why I was on the TV.'' I tell her, conversationally.

She gasps. ''He didn't. He saw?''

''Yeah,'' I nod into the phone, even though she can't see me. ''He saw.''


''So, anyway, are you coming over?''

''Yep! We'll be over pretty soon.'' she breathes hard.

''Cam, why do you sound out of breath?''

''Harry knows the way to your house, doesn't he? Oh gotta go, see you in a few!'' she cuts me off and ignores me.

''Oh wait, tell Harry not to come p-''

Too late. She's gone.

I sigh and put the phone down.


Last night, when Camden asked why I was on TV (Even though he could see why very clearly), I explained that I was out with One Direction.

He didn't believe me, but I have proof.

I go back upstairs, to tell Sam they're coming round.

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