Chapter 38

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Skylar's P.O.V

I swear to god I'm about to smash the baby monitor. I stand up and rub my eyes. "Gerard!" I say, jabbing at his sides. "I'm up," he says, sitting up with me. We both stand up and walk to the babies nursery. I pick Ember up rock her softly. Gerard does the same with Grant and yawns. "Time?" I ask. "5:00 a.m" he says. I yawn and look down to Ember. Her big eyes begin to close and smile down at her. Eventually, her eyes are fully closed and she relaxes in my arms. I slowly set her down in her crib and Gerard looks to me. Grant falls asleep and Gerard carefully sets him down. We both collapse onto the bed and fall asleep.


Gerard and I sit on the couch, drinking coffee. Frank bursts through to door with his arm around Grace. "Heyy!" he shouts. "Shh!" I shush him. He whispers a sorry and sit with us. Grace sits next to me and I sling an arm around her. "Hey, how are you doing?" I ask. "Better," she says. "Good." I say and give her a small squeeze before taking my arm from around her.

"I was thinking.." Frank starts.

"Don't hurt yourself." Grace and I say at the same time. We high five.  "Five points!" grace says. Frank glares at us, making us laugh more. We finally calm down and Frank continues.

"Grace and I want you to have a night off, you have been working hard with these babies all week, got to the beach, have dinner, Grace and I will take care of everything." he says.

"Really? Thank you so much guys," I say with Gee.

"No problem." Frank and Grace say. We continue talking for a while and everyone else gets here. We all talk for a while and watch movies and play with Grant and Ember. Soon, everyone leaves except Grace and Frank. I tell them everything to do and they both salute. "Sir, yes, sir!" they shout. I roll my eyes and hand them Grant and Ember. Gerard and I walk out the door to our off- day.

Frank's P.O.V

"Hi, Ember!" I say and hold the baby girl in my arms. She bats her big eyes and I chuckle. Grace and I set them down in their cribs and watch T.V for a while. We hear crying and whining from the baby monitor and we both walk to their nursery. We pick them up and put them in the play pen with some toys. We stay their with them for a while and just talk. Something hard pelts me in the head and I look towards Grant. "He threw his toy at me!" I gasp. Grace laughs and gives Grant a thumbs up. "Good job, Grant!" she says. I frown and cross my arms and pout. She rolls her eyes and leans against the wall. I lean in to kiss Grace but she swats me away. "Not in front of the babies!" she giggles. I cross my arms and pout again. "Fine." I say. After a while, Grant starts to whine and crawl around. "Do you smell that?" I ask. Grace gives me an 'are you fucking serious' look and picks up Ember. "Have fun!" I say to her as she carried both babies to a changing table. "Oh hell no! You are getting your ass over here and changing one of these kids!" she says. I sigh and grab a wooden pin. I clamp in down on my nose and take Grant Grace laughs at me and begins to change Ember. "Breath through your mouth, Grace!" I yell. She makes puking noises and turn back to Ember. We finish changing them and take them down stairs to be fed.

Grace's P.O.V

I set Grant in his high chair and take out two cans of food. I hand one to Frank and he begins to feed Ember. I hear a noise and look to Frank. "Eww!" he whines. His face is coated with mashed carrots. I laugh and Frank continues to feed Ember. Ember starts throwing food and Grant soon joins in. I am pelted with mashed baby foods. Mashed peaches are sitting throughout my hair and my face is covered. I look to see Frank in the same condition. I smirk and walk over to him with a can of food. I hand it to Ember and she sticks her hand in. "Get him," I say. Ember hums the food at Frank and coats him in food. I slip in food and land on my ass. Great, now I have a sore ass! Damn it! I look up to Frank who is standing there, holding his gut, laughing. I join him soon and he picks up Ember. I smirk as Ember throws up on his shoulder. "Burp her!" I say. He burps Ember for a while before gasping. "She peed on me!" he whines. "Uh oh." Frank gasps. We see that Grant still has food left. I look to Frank. I still lay on the floor in a bunch of food. Grant throws a fist full of food at Frank. It land's straight in the middle of his face. "Ooh, apples!" he says and licks his lips. "Ew, Frank!" I shriek. He laughs and I join him. We are coated in food. The floor and some of the wall is in the same condition. We sit and laugh for a while.

Gerard's P.O.V

We open the door and take in the house. Grace lay on the food covered floor, laughing her ass off. Frank is standing near her, glaring at Grace, Ember, and Grant.They are both coated in mashed baby foods. We walk to them and we, too, break into laughter. Skylar slips and lands next to Grace, covering herself in food. She holds her gut and laughs along with Grace. We all laugh so hard our eyes water. "Frank, you got something right, there." I say between laughs, opening my hand and gesturing to him. He shoots me a 'fuck you' look, making us all laugh harder. "Tha hell?!" Mikey says behind us. We all look over to him. Everyone stands behind him, on the floors laughing their asses off. "Long story," Skylar says and throws food at all of them. Alicia glares at us and says, "Oh its on!"


Did you guys like that chapter? :D lol, I wanted a chapter sort of just for laughs. Remember, if you ask for a dedication in the comments you get one! but you gotta be the first person. What part of the story made you LOL? Comment down their. Comment, vote, fan, and tell your friends! Love you, my toxic dreamers!

Question: What is your favorite song besides an mcr song?? If i pick your song, a link just may appear for it in the next chapter ;)

Peace love and laser blades!

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