Chapter 8

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Ugggghhhhhhhhhhh. My head kiillssss. I must have drank to much when I came ho-

And im not at home. Great. Slowly, my memories came back to me. I was kidnapped by my favourite band. Again.


Where am I anyway? Hmm.............. It seems like a dark room chief. No signs of intelligent life appearing anywhere. Hee hee.

I needed to get there attention, but right before I was about to sing my awesomtasticazing song, I decided it wouldn't be to smart, because the BVB crew didnt know who I was and they may recognize the song.

Well, I least I am kinda smart. Since I was in New York, most places were pretty dangeroux so I always kept a knife in my boot. It was kinda big, but not to big. Just the right size. I named it Peanut :D

O_O ya thats probably what your thinking, but I name EVERYTHING peanut, my phone, ipod, laptop, anywayss.............

I took it out of my boot, which was fairly difficult since my hands were tied behind my back, but I managed.

I carefully cut the rope, so my hands were free, and put it back in my boot, just as soon as the door opened. I hid my hands behind my back, like the first time, and saw a sexy looking Andy with no shirt on. Oh lord sweet baby Jesus.

Holly, dont look below the belt, dont look below the belt, dont look below the-

I looked below the belt.

(LOL I do this in real life all the time XD)

I know, I know im dirty, get over it.


..................Sorry. Not in the best position to be thinking this.

Anywho, Andy came in and say beside me. I tried to scoot away, but I ended up face planting against the wall. Luckily he didnt notice. Aw, fuck, I think I bruised my nose.

"Are you ok?" I looked up, suprised because his voice was filled with concern, and so was his face.

I didnt answer.

"You know youve been out for 6 days."

My mouth fell open.

"Are you fuckin kidding me?" He chuckled lighty. Well, I could kiss modelling goodbye. I had just missed 7 shoots.

"Why did you kidnap me?" I asked him. I wanted to know if it was still for the same reasons.

"Well, your a hot sexy model, and im a dude. Do the math." He smirked. Well, caring Andy was gone. I need to bring that side out of him more often.

"You sick little bastard." I said, clearly, with hatred in my voice. He looked suprised, and a little angry.

"Excuuuuse me?" Ok, that was kinda gay, but whatever.

I looked him straight in the eye.

"Did I fuckin stutter? I said your a sick little bastard. I KNOW youve dont this to other girls. How dare you. You take away there family, friends, there life. The one thing they may have left, you take it from them. We both know you can have any girl you want, then go on with your day. But you choose to do this? That, is fuckin pathetic."

He looked shocked. No matter what he would do, I know I got the message across. Anger quickly over took him, and he slapped me, full on the face. 

I didnt flinch. My eyes filled with anger, anger at this disgusting soul. Just as I was about to puy my free hands in front of me, the door opened, reaviling CC, Jinxx, Ashley and Jake.

"Dude, what did you fucking do to her? You said you wanted comapny, not a play toy!" CC said, clearly angry.

He walked over to me and helped me up, leading me away, giving Andy a clear view of my untied hands. He looked shocked, and I flipped him the finger, letting myself be carried away. Maybe I can use the rest of these guys as company. 

Maybe, just maybe.

Kidnapped by my favorite band. (Andy Biersack love story)Where stories live. Discover now