Bumps In The Night

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^^^^Dedicated to @Olafferty who is an incredible writer and friend! If you haven’t read her work yet I strongly recommend it! She’s brilliant! XD

Also to BowAndArrow for the amazing banner on the side! Thanks so much!!! =D


James’ POV


All I wanted to do was sleep but every time I closed my eyes all I could see was the hurt and betrayal that I had caused to take up permanent residence in Christy’s eyes.

It hadn’t been my intention to hurt her. And the fact that I had was slowly tearing me apart and consuming me from the inside out.

Eating had become a distant memory. I only ate what was necessary to continue to function. I had begun to drink more to drown out the sound of her voice that had invaded my head. And I only slept most nights because I blacked out.

Simply put, I was a mess.

A mess who was currently staring at entirely too many essays that I wish I hadn’t assigned. Grading was my least favorite part of teaching. I guess I probably shared that hatred with most other teachers though.

Sighing I pushed away from my desk and made my eyes focus on the clock that was located on the wall above the door; it was almost midnight.

Had I really been sitting here staring at these papers blankly for almost 8 hours?

Grabbing my phone and keys out of the top drawer I stood up and made my way to the door, switching off the lights on my way out and locking up.

All I could think about as I made my way back to my room was that Christy was right next door, which led my mind to thoughts I needed to not be having about a student, which in turn led my thoughts to the half empty bottle of tequila I had stashed in my top dresser drawer.

It was just calling my name.

Pausing outside my door I fumbled for my key and jammed it in the lock before pushing my way inside.

When I turned on the light I wished even more than I thought was humanly possible that I already had the second half of that bottle of tequila in me.

“What the hell is going on in here?!” I shouted, as I felt my eyes all but bulging out of my head.

If I hadn’t of been so pissed at the moment I probably would have found it comical as Leslie and Jace both popped their eyes open looking like two deer caught in the headlights.

Their faces were mirror images of horror and guilt.

“Uh, sorry man. Must’ve dozed off after…Er…Yeah,” Jace mumbled looking slightly panicked and extremely uncomfortable.

“You must have 'dozed off?' You screwed someone in my room, in my bed and all you can say is ‘I must have dozed off’?! What is wrong with you? What would possibly make you think this would be okay? No! Don’t answer that. I already know what you were thinking with. Just… Put some fucking clothes on,” Turning away I slammed back out of my room not wanting to be anywhere in sight while they fumbled to put their clothes back on.

Leaning back against the door I rested my head against the wall warily wondering how I had come to this point in my life. Depressed over a female who happened to be a student and walking in on my best friend naked in my bed with said female student’s best friend.

My life was seriously screwed up.

After several moments I heard the door open and watched Leslie saunter past me like screwing someone in a professor’s room was completely normal and acceptable.

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