Chapter 5: Dog Crates and Babysitters.

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I'm fucking horrible at updating. I'm sorry. I've been busy with school and my friends.

Ha, what the fuck are you talking about Ember? You don't have friends!

Okay, in all seriousness, I have been busy and I do have friends, and I'm also reeeeaaallllyyyyy lazy. Sorry. They haven't yet found a cure for laziness.

Lindsey and Gerard had left to go get whatever the hell they needed, leaving me and Cloud with Bandit and Flick. Cloud had informed me he would probably not be helping with Bandit, so I had to deal with her on my own. Not that I minded. She was adorable! 

We were in the kitchen, making some lunch. Well, I was. Cloud was off playing with Flick and Bandit was just making a mess.

Nutella, Marshmallow fluff, and peanut butter was smeared everywhere, including my face and everywhere on the bubbly three year old. Cleaning it up would be a pain, but I could manage it.

"Bee, how about you eat your food instead of getting it all over me," I suggested. Bandit smiled at me and bit into her sandwich. I smiled back.

"CLOUD! COME GET LUNCH!" I screamed. He scampered into the kitchen with Flick following him.

"What's on this?" he asked, eyeing the sandwich suspiciously. 

"Peanut Butter and Marshmallow fluff. I know you don't like nutella," I replied.

"That sounds gross," he whined. 

I pointed a spoon at him.

"Eat the damn sandwich before I scrape your eyes out with this spoon!" I threatened. Cloud moodily took a bite of it. His face lit up.

"Yum," he said in a satisfied tone. I rolled my eyes and bit into mine.

"Cloud, you have to feed the dog," I said, watching Flick.

"I was going to anyways," he answered with his mouth full. I hit his knuckles with the spoon.

"Don't talk with your mouth full," I scolded.

He glared at me. I waved my spoon at him threateningly.

I finished eating soon after and took Bandit upstairs for a bath. I left Cloud in charge of cleaning the kitchen. I almost felt sorry for him. 

After Bandit was clean, I helped Cloud finish the kitchen.

"I'm going to watch TV," he announced.

"Nothing bad!" I called.

He ignored me, of course, and turned on some gory horror movie.

"Bee, nap time," I said. She was a good kid and went asleep quickly. Then I joined Cloud to watch the movie.

Cloud started twitching at the screen, like he did whenver he was about to punch something.

Looking at the espensive TV, I don't think Gerard and Lindsey would like it too much if Cloud and I broke it.

So I did the only logical thing.

I locked Cloud in Flick's dog crate.

Yes, I'm a genius, I know.

Er... maybe not. Flick was growling at me. That dog really liked Cloud.

"Cloud, calm that dog down before it eats me!" I hissed.

"Flick! Come here boy. It's okay," Cloud soothed. Flick whined and laid down in front of his cage.

I sat on the couch and continued to watch the movie until Gerard and Lindsey got home.

"Uhm... Ember? Why is Cloud in a cage? And where's Bandit?" Gerard asked.

"Bandit's sleeping. And he's in that cage cause he was about to punch the TV. It seemed like a good option," I replied.

Gerard sighed and let Cloud out.

"You guys.... are fucking awesome!"


Yes, I know it is a bad chapter. I can't be bothered to write anything better right now. I apologize. I will attempt to update Frank Potter soon. When I say attempt, I mean it'll be up in a month ._.

I'm kidding. I'll try to get it up by next week. If not, you can all slap me with a fish or lock me in Flick's cage or something.

K, bye. I know author's notes are annoying. I just like to see words in bold xD


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2012 ⏰

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