What Happened?

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I was dreaming. I was smiling in my sleep and then my stomach began to hurt. My smile faded as I woke up and stretched, eyes still closed. I rolled my face into my pillow and moaned. Only, this pillow didn't smell like mine. I peaked one eye out and immediately noticed the red drapes...why were they red and not pink? My stomach crapped and I was in desperate need of a bathroom. I threw the covers off of me and sat on the edge of my bed...but wait...this room is backwards. The beds are on the wrong side. My stomach cramps again and I sprint for the bathroom.

'Great.' I thought. 'Hello monthly gift.'

These were the times that I hated being a girl. I opened the drawer by the sink in hopes of finding some 'lady products' and found none. Hmm...

I figured I'd get some from my dresser in a second. I went back to the bedroom and noticed that somebody was in my bed...

My jaw dropped open. I wasn't in my room at all. I was in the boys dorm!!! And I just got out of HARRY'S BED?!?!?!!

He rolled over and opened his eyes.

I was desperately trying to recall events from the night before...let's see...I remember Draco crying, being furious that he read my diary, going to the bar in Hogsmeade, drinking with Harry...crap.

Harry saw me and smiled.

"Hey, love. What are you doing here?" he asked with a smile. He must've seen the look on my face because he was suddenly very serious.

"Are you ok? What's going on?" he was suddenly by my side.

I could feel tears in my eyes.

"H-how did I get here?" I asked him.

"Wha-" a look of realization dawned on his face.

"Oh my God." he said.

"Do you remember anything from last night?" I asked desperately.

"Bits and pieces..."

"What do you...did we...I mean..."

"I don't know." He said quietly.

We stood there in silence for a minute, my head and stomach both aching.

"I-I have to go." I said turning for the door.

"Jane, wait!" he said. But it was too late. I was already halfway to my room.

Every move I made seemed to be happening in slow motion. I didn't know what to do. Should I wake Hermione? Should I try to go back to sleep? Yeah, like I could ever sleep now. Well, I knew one thing-I needed to use the bathroom and get some pain meds NOW.

I had a few minutes to think to myself.

What happened? Am I still a virgin? Do I even want to know? Every move I made was robotic.

"Jane?" I froze. Hermione was awake.

Oh God, please tell me that she can help!

I turned to face her and she was suddenly filled with a look of concern.

"Are you ok? Jane, what happened?"

I couldn't find the words, so I just didn't talk for a minute.

"Jane...?" she walked over to me.

"I-i...don't know." I said tears starting to escape my eyes.

"What happened?" she asked gently.

"I-I woke up in Ha-Harry's bed." I squeezed the words out.

Her eyes widened in shock. "And...?"

I sobbed. "I don't remember last night." I admitted.

"Oh my God...did he- are you-?" she tried to find the right question.

"I don't know, Mione! I just don't know!!" I said in frustration sitting down on my bed.

"Shhh, it's ok." She rubbed my back as I sobbed into my pillow.

"It'll be fine. Don't worry." She said.

I sure hoped that she was right...

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