People can change- much too fast

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Part 3:

They drove back to the boys' house, where they all had separate rooms. Liam, Niall, Harry, Zayn, and Louis all lived in the house. Harry's room was extremely messy. There was takeaway cartons on the floor, forks and knives on the desk, drink cans on top of the tv and bottles in the bed. The bed wasn't made and there was boxers and socks all over the place. Harry blushed as he brought Hailie in. She smiled, she didn't mind, only for Callum would her house be messy too. Harry grabbed his JW bag and put his wallet, keys, phone, hoodie and a couple of other things into it. He told Hailie to wait outside while he changed. She met up with Niall in the hallway. "hey again!" he smiled at her. "hiya!" she smiled back. Her smile was beautiful, he thought. Wait, did she just say something? "uh, what? Sorry!" she smiled again. Damn, stop it Niall. She's here for Harry. "it's okay, I just asked how you were" he laughed. "I'm great, thanks" she complimented his Irish accent, saying that she loved all the midland ones. She was from the west and she tended to stick a h after an s, for example she would say "shtick" he loved it. She didn't say the g in the words either... Niall. Stop. Don't start liking this girl. She likes Harry! They continued talking and when Harry came out, they walked down to the kitchen together. Harry slid his hand into Hailie's discreetly. She looked at it, and then into Harry's eyes. He mouthed "is that okay?" she bit her lip, smiled and nodded. They reached the kitchen, and the rest of the boys were down there. "so what're you guys doing?" Paul came over from the living room. "NANDO'S!" Niall screamed. "no!" all the boys said together. "why not?" Niall looked sad. "why, guys?" Hailie laughed. "cause we went last night, and the night before" Niall looked like he had an idea. "well, can never have enough Nando's!" Liam threw his eyes up to the sky and shook his head. "why don't we just go the shop, buy food and drink and you guys can all come back to my house?" Paul looked unsure. "Paul, it's all old people who don't even know who the boys are" he nodded. "yeah! Party time!" Niall jumped into the car. The boys followed, and Hailie got in beside Harry. They got to the shop and Niall grabbed a trolley and ran off. "he doesn't get to do the shopping normally does he?" Hailie asked Harry. "no" Harry laughed. "you can see why!" he had the trolley half filled already with chocolate, crisps, dips, beers, vodka, coke, fanta, all sorts. He ran up the aisles and the boys followed. They paid and they put the shopping into the car. They driver asked Hailie for directions and she told him them. They cranked up the radio and "Another World" came on. The boys all sang their parts and they danced in the back to it. Hailie had a laugh and an amazing time with the boys. They reached the house and Hailie unlocked it. There was beer cans at the door, smashed vodka bottles on the window sills and people passed out on the stairs. "oh my god!" Hailie turned to the boys. "I'm so sorry, it was clean when I-" she thought of something. "Hailie?" she cleared her throat. She beckoned the boys with her finger. "come with me a sec" they followed her up the stairs. She woke everyone, and told them to go home. As all the people left, they moaned with hangovers. She slammed the door. She once again she went up the stairs and went into the bedroom. She heard snoring. The boys followed her in. There was clothes and underwear all over the floor. Glasses and takeaway cartons were all over the sheets. She went over to the bed, and punched a lump. A large moan emitted from underneath the sheets. She went around to the other side, grabbed someone's wrist, and pulled her out of the bed. She started laughing. "this is just great, some WHORE in my bed, sleeping with my best friend!" she pulled the girl upwards, and pushed her towards the door. "oh my g-god, y-you're one di-irection!" they smiled at her. "haha, no time honey. Out!" they heard the front door slam, and she came back. They started laughing. "what?" she smiled. "you, you're so funny right now" she swept her hair up. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to be mean-" Niall shook his head. "Hailie, you're not mean, it's perfectly understandable, your house has been trashed" Hailie nodded. "but who did it?" Louis looked at her. "him" she said, pointing at the lump. She went over and pulled back the sheets. There, lying in his tight Calvin Klien boxers, was Callum. He groaned and covered his eyes, severely hungover. She bent down and wiped sweat off his face. "Callum? Honey?" Harry smiled. Her voice sounded so sexy when she said "honey?" he went over and put an arm around her shoulders. She stood up, and he hugged her. He didn't know why, but she was upset and she needed comforting. It felt good to make her feel better. By now Callum was standing, and Harry went and stood over by the boys. "H-Hailie?" she smiled. "hey" all of a sudden he grabbed her neck and slammed her against the wall, making her smack her head. She gasped as the air was knocked out of her. He was now squashing up against her, kissing her lips. She pushed him off her, and slapped his face. She tried to walk over to Harry, but he grabbed her wrist and pushed her onto the bed. Next thing Hailie knew, Callum was being pushed out into the hall, and there was a lot of shouting. Hailie, Niall, Zayn, Louis and Liam followed Harry out into the hall, where he was pushing Callum against the wall, right in his face. "how do you feel now? Big tough man, eh? Thinks he can push a woman around?" Hailie went up to Harry and placed her hand on his arm. "Harry" he looked at her. She shook her head, he sighed and let Callum go. Callum slid down the wall and began crying. Hailie took him into her arms and shushed him. "Hailie-" Hailie stood up. "Harry, it's okay. I know why he did it" Harry's eyebrows furrowed. "you do?" she nodded. "about a week ago, Callum admitted he was in love with me. He's still a bit drunk and severely hungover so his feeling project outwards and this is the result" they looked at her in shock. "aha, not just a pretty face!" they laughed at her. She sorted out Callum, dressed him, fed him, and brought him to the house. She had a spare key to his house, and she lay him into bed and locked the house. She came back to the house, and the boys had cleaned it. "how long was I gone...?" she asked uncertainly. They laughed. "there's five of us, you know! Now, time for our date" she looked at her phone. She gasped. "I have to get ready!" Harry smiled, showing his dimples. "we might as well stay here" she nodded. "help yourselves to anything, I'll only be 10 minutes" she ran upstairs to get changed.

Harry Styles ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now