35. Mark

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You haven't told me your name so I presume your name is Shafeena, I like it actually so I hope I got your name right.

. . .

"Escalator is not scary" Mark says in his soft voice. "C'mon baby" he bends down, trying to put you down.

"No, no, no!" the three years old girl cries, arms around her dad's neck.

He chuckles, "Okay... Just don't cry okay?" he kisses your cheek that soothes you.

He takes you to the Rainbow Land, a play room, "Shafeena... Appa has to do something, so stay and play here arasseo?" he slowly puts you down and you unknowingly nod as your attention is taken by the toys in the play room. "Appa will be back later" he kisses your temple.

"Bye-bye!" you waved a hand to him before running to a huge play house.


Mark settled meeting his client in a coffee shop.

"We can go to my place if you want" the girl seductively told Mark.

Mark reflexively scoots away, "I could but my daughter... she doesn't have any nanny to take care of her so I prefer not to go" he professionally rejected her in a nice way.

"I could hire a day-nanny for her in our next meeting... if you like" she instantly thought of a solution and flirtatiously said as usual, making circles on his thigh with her index finger.

Just when he was about to reason again his phone rang, "Excuse me" he says and stands up to answer the phone call.

It was painted on her face that she was irritated on how Mark acted around her. It was like an insult to her because Mark can't even look at her with that arousal sensation boys mostly gave her.

"Yes, hello?" Mark says, unknowing the caller.

"This is Rainbow Land. Is this Mr. Mark Tuan?" a voice of a lady says.

"Yes, this is Mark Tuan? Why? Something happened to Shafeena?" he asks in a panic voice.

Just then a voice of a baby, that is very familiar to him, cries out, "Appaaa... I want appa, appa where?" you blubbered out, stomping your feet.

With that noise, Mark clearly knows what was happening. "Please tell her, I'm on my way"

He immediately slid his phone in his pocket. "I really have to go, my daughter needs me" he said to the girl, getting his coat.

The girl scoffs, "Whatever" she said and with that she first left the coffee shop.


"Sshh... Shafee, uljima" he says as he was brushing your baby hairs from your wet face.

"Appa not... leave me... again" you said in between your breaths.

He chuckles softly, shaking his head. "Appa promises not to leave Shafee again" he swears.


"Appa, look... I got the highest score again. Aren't I great?" you giggled, showing him your test results. "I'm conceited, I know. But what could I do, I inherited it from you"

Suddenly, your mood went down. "It has been 9 years since the accident happened and you left me on earth. You keep your promise although not being beside me, and I thank you for that appa. I know you are looking down on me and that is enough. I missed you" you said as you caressed the glass as if it was his bare face.


"Come again ma'am and sir" you said as a goodbye to the previous costumer and cleaned the table.

Just when you were about to greet the newly entered costumer, you were surprised. "Ap-Appa" you mouthed.

He snapped in front of your face, "Hey"

"Huh? Ahhh... What is your order sir?" you asked.

"You" he smirked, leaning forward that your faces were too close. Your eyes widened but head's steady. He chuckles lowly, "Am I getting more handsome in a closer distance?" he stands straight, tucking his hands in his jacket's pockets.

You sighed, "What is your order sir?" you asked calmly.

"Well... I'll have frappe" he says and went to an open table.

You pull yourself up from the bed, "How can he look exactly like appa? I mean is reincarnation really true?" you talk to yourself.

"Tch... He just looks like appa but his attitude sucks"


"Good morning Miss Shafeena" the school guard greets.

You smile, "Good morning Papa Bear" you greeted back, and calling him in the nickname you've given.

"Before you go... Miss Han said that you will be touring the exchanged student around the campus" he said.

You nodded, "Okay... Who is he or she anyway?"

"I got the name but I forget it, you however can easily know it was him because he is not wearing the school uniform" he chuckles lowly, rubbing his nape.

"Aigoo... Signs of aging? Kekeke... Alright, I'll be going" you said and waved to him.

As you passed by the hallway, student kept on greeting 'Good morning Shafeena'. Well that is because you are the Student Council President and they pay respect to you as you give it back to them as well.

From a far, you saw a familiar built, it was like your father's built actually. "Is that the exchanged student?" you mumbled as he was just wearing casual attire.

You walked further to him and faked a cough, he turned around. "Oh?!!! NEO?" you exclaimed.

He smirked, "Yeeeesh... the one and only me, Mark Yi-en Tuan, an exchange student, from California. I can speak Hangukeo so don't worry much" he sticks his hand out.

"I can speak English too" 'But wait... Mark Yi-en Tuan... Appa, how come he got your name too?' Mark snaps his fingers in front of you that got you back to reality.

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