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  • Dedicated to Anyone who's ever dared to be d i f f e r e n t <3

I was staring at his name in shock. Really? Draco Malfoy was top of our class? No, it didn't seem right...but it was. Because here was his name and that little O right next to it.

Finally, after staring at that damned name for ages, I left and snuck Harry's cloak back to him and went to bed.

About an hour later my alarm went off.

I dressed in my uniform and brushed me teeth.

"You look so depressed." Ron laughed at me on the way down to breakfast.

I glared at him. Harry laughed.

"You ok?" he asked me.

"Fine." I lied. Wow. I don't think I've ever lied to Harry Potter. What was happening to me?

"Are you sure?" he tried again.

"I'm just tired." There we go! A half truth! I was tired, but that's not all that was on my mind.

"Alright." Oh, my God. He was actually buying it! Yay!

That night Harry had a meeting with Dumbledore. Ron was off somewhere snogging Lavender Brown and Hermione was deep into her studies. Perfect time to execute phase one of plan Get Jane Good Grades.

I had no idea where to look so I stole, yet again with the stealing, Harry's Map. Yes, the Map. As in, The Marauder's Map.

I looked everywhere on it, but he wasn't anywhere! Like I mean anywhere! Finally, I found him heading down to the dungeons. I closed the Map and sprinted off after him.

Even though he was ahead of me by like 4 floors, I actually caught up to him, but I was out of breath.

He stared at me. "What do you want, Watson?" he demanded.

I was still breathing very heavily.

"You." I panted.

"We've established that." He said. He actually didn't smirk; he kept a serious yet somehow annoyed face.

"No." I said finally just about catching my breath. "Harry's an awful tutor and so is Hermione." I said.

He stared at me waiting for me to continue. "Go on." He said when I didn't.

I sighed a frustrated breath. 'Why me?' I asked myself mentally.

"Potions. I'm failing. You're the top of the class. Will you tutor me?" I said without looking at him.

He continued staring at me.

"Potter's top of the class." He said.

"Oh, my God! Do you not have ears?!" I demanded. "Harry's an awful tutor and Hermione's even worse!"

He had a tired look on his face.

"I don't have time for this." He said walking away.

"Wait! Malfoy..." I said stepping in front of him. I looked into his eyes. They were deep and they looked a little pained...but then the look was gone and he was glaring at me.

"Get out of my way." He said.

"Please?" I said.

He kept on glaring at me. "Please? What do you want from me?" I asked.

"You can't be serious." He said.

"I'll do anything you want!" I said. "Well...everything except the deed." I said.

"How many times do I have to tell you?" he said the hard look on his face gone. "I will not bang you until you're done with Potter." He said.

"Seriously? Will you tutor me?" I asked desperately.

He shrugged. "With a few conditions." He said.


"Nobody can know." He said.

"Of course." 'Yeah, like I want people knowing Draco Malfoy, the ferret, is tutoring me.'

"We met at anytime of day or night. I mean it when I say I don't want anybody to know. So if I am going to tutor you, you have to be willing to get up at three am." He said.

"Yeah, who needs sleep?" I said sarcastically.

"Do you need my help or not?" I noticed how he said need instead of want.

"Fine." I said aggravated. "Anything else?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'm busy a lot. We might only be able to study at night. Are you sure you're desperate?" he said.

"I'm asking you aren't I? Doesn't that like define desperate?"

He laughed.

"Any more conditions?" I asked.

"I'll let you know."

"That's annoying." I said.

"There are more conditions. I just haven't thought of them yet. I have a lot on my mind. Now run along, I'm busy." He said.

He seemed tired and really stressed out. Not wanting to argue anymore, I did as he said and left him.


Harry and I went to Hogsmeade together that Saturday. I needed to study Potions and Malfoy hasn't said anything so I'm starting to think he's bailing on me. Anyways, Harry and I had a really nice day without any drama.

He thought I was mad at him or something, but I wasn't. The trip to Hogsmeade made me remember how much I care for Harry and how sweet he is.

Then, when Harry was getting us two butterbeers, some kid walked over to me.

"Are you Jane?" he asked.

"Yes." I said staring at him confused.

"I was supposed to make sure you were alone when I gave you this." He said handing me a small piece of folded up parchment.

Harry was almost coming back.

"Thank you." I said taking it and hiding it under the table.

The kid quickly walked away and Harry was back. Harry and I held hands and talked and laughed and had a great time. The whole time, Harry unaware of the little note I held under the table that read Tonight 2 30 Potions Classroom.


Easy for him to say, the Potions classroom is like right next to his common room! My common room, however, was across the castle and 7 floors above it. Yeah, this was going to be tricky.

I stole Harry's invisibility cloak again and somehow it went quite smoothly.

"You came." I said surprised when I actually saw Draco Malfoy sitting on a desk writing something in a notebook.

"You sound surprised. Wasn't I the one who told you to meet me here?" He said.

"I didn't expect you to actually come, I guess." I said.

He shrugged. "Well, here I am."

Yes. There he was.

We sat in one of the desks and he began to tutor me. Surprisingly, he was the best tutor ever. He made everything seem so simple and easy.

"Thank you." I said when we were done.

He laughed. "You seem to be getting better at thanking people." He said.

I rolled my eyes.

"Just don't think we're going to form some bizarre friendship out of this." I said sternly.

He smirked. "Wasn't counting on it."

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