
We were laughing like crazy people. All that candy and jokes and...happiness.

Ron was trying to throw something into a trash barrel from across the compartment. He was failing epically. Me and Harry were laughing at him as Hermione tried to hide her chuckling.

"Ron, I'll make you a deal." Said Harry. "Get this next one in, and I'll do whatever you want me to do."

I smirked. There was no way.

"Fine." Said Ron with a smile, then with ease he tossed the trash into the basket like it was no problem at all and Harry and I gawked at him and Hermione burst into laughter at the look of shock on our faces.

Ron laughed as well.

Harry growled.

"Harry, now you have to do whatever he says." I laughed.

"UGH!" Yes, Harry Potter actually 'ughed.' "Ron, what do you want me to do?" he asked.

With a mouthful of food Ron said, "Kiss Jane."

We all stared at him in shock.

"RON!" Hermione yelped.

"That is so perverted!!!" I told him. "Why would you ever want to see that?!" I demanded.

Harry shrugged and acted all nonchalant. Suddenly, I had the suspicion that the two of them had planned this.

Harry kissed me and I stared at him.

"What?" he asked.

"Nothing." I said. I'd harass him later over it.

I could tell this was going to be a good year...well, as good as it can get with Voldemort on the loose.

I was lost in my thoughts about that train ride while I was doing my lines. Suddenly, Binns says he needs to use the bathroom. He magically locks the door and tells us that if we talk at all, we're in trouble.

Yeah, like Malfoy and I would ever talk. We hated each other and we're on opposite sides of the classroom.

He's gone for a minute when...

"This is all your fault, you know." Came that harsh voice.

"You didn't have to laugh." I said.

"You didn't have to be funny. I have some really important stuff to do and the last thing I need is detention." He said in an angered voice.

"It's not my fault you're here. You laughed." I said without interest in this conversation.

"Because you said something funny!"

"Ok, fine." I said looking at him. "I'm sorry I'm so bloody funny. I'm sorry your missing whatever 'important stuff' and believe me, I wish I wasn't in detention either so stop complaining!" I told him.

He rolled his eyes and went back to his lines.

We were both finished in the next 15 minutes. Malfoy finished first and then left.

I was walking back to the common room when I heard footsteps behind me. I turned and saw him again.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" I demanded.

"Nothing. I'm just walking." He said.

"The Slytherin common room is in the dungeons. As in, your going the wrong way." I told him.

"I know where I'm bloody going! Who said I'm going to the common room?!" he said clearly angered.

I rolled my eyes and kept walking.

So, that's when I fell. Yeah, I fell. As in, trip on nothing and go splat on the ground. I banged my head into the wall and felt blood trickle down my face and my whole head was throbbing in pain.

I put my hand on my forehead and felt hot sticky stuff. I looked at my hand and it was covered in blood.

"Are you ok?" asked Malfoy as if it was nothing.

"Do I look ok?" I asked looking at him.

He looked at my forehead and for a moment I saw something kind flash in his eyes. But it was gone as fast as it had come, like lightning.

"I've seen worse." He said.

I tried to stand up but suddenly the room was spinning and I was back down on the floor.

He walked over to me and offered his arm.

I took it and lifted myself up. "Thanks." I mumbled. He said nothing.

I was standing...and the room spun again. My breath caught and I tried to grab onto the wall for support. It was no use and I fell to the ground again.

Malfoy chuckled.

"Shut it Malfoy. I know you think I'm bloody hilarious but this isn't funny." I said in a strong voice.

"Are you going to stand up?" he asked.


He didn't say anything he just stood there.

"So you're going to stay there?" he asked.

"Yup." I said lying down on the ground. "I think I'll stay right here."

He rolled his eyes.

"Why?" he demanded.

"I don't have much of a choice, do I?" I asked.

"What does that mean?"

I glared at him. "It means I can't move without the room spinning to if I try to walk, I'll faint and I'd rather just stay here than faint."

"So you're just going to stay here? All night?" he demanded.

"A teacher will find me." I said closing my eyes and trying to sleep.

"Whatever." He said walking away.

I was hoping Harry was looking at the Map and would see me, not moving, and come and rescue me, but nothing happened.

I think I fell asleep because suddenly I was being woken to someone calling my name.

"You're still here, Watson?"

I moaned. "Go away, Malfoy." I said.

I had a splitting headache now and his footsteps made my head explode.

His feet were right in front of my head and he leaned down. I could smell his breath in my face. Minty...

"Come here." He said.

I groaned and tried to swat him away.

Suddenly I felt some very strong arms around me. My eyes flew open and suddenly, Draco Malfoy was carrying me down the hallway.

"Put. Me. Down." I told him.

He ignored me.

"Where are you taking me?!" I demanded.

"Hospital Wing." He said.

I stopped trying to resist and rested my head on his shoulder.

"Where did you go earlier?" I asked.

"I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill you." He said.

"Haha." I said sarcastically.

He, again, said nothing.

"You're really annoying you know." I said to him.

"Yes, I know. I try." He said.

"It's not very nice." I said.

"When have you ever known me to be nice?" he asked.  

I laughed.

He rolled his eyes at me. I think that's when I fainted because everything went black. The last thing I remember was feeling his arms around me as he was carrying me.

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