Will vs Ash

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Akira and Badboy only just managed to get a seat in the rock stadium to watch Will’s fight.

“This is the final battle to decide who shall enter into the top ten, on the red side we have Ash from Pallet town on the green side we have Will from Vermillion city, both trainers have been through multiple poke’mon leagues and now they are here in the Unova region to try and claim the title of world champion,” the announcer finished.

“We came here to win,” Ash declared, beside him his Pikachu nodded in agreement.

“So have we,” Will called, grinning at his ten year old opponent, beside him Scorch crossed his arms in front of his chest.

“This will be a three on three poke’mon battle…are we ready?” the referee called.

Both trainers nodded.


“Pikachu you’re up,” Ash grinned, in response the Pikachu jumped down from the podium and stood facing Will’s podium.

“Trooper, your turn.”

Will threw the poke’ball, which opened in mid-air revealing a heavily battle scarred Nidoking.

“Pikachu, quick attack.”

The Pikachu nodded and charged towards Trooper, gaining speed as he moved.

“Trooper, Iron tail.”

Trooper pivoted and swung his tail towards the attacking Pikachu , the tip of his tail glowed silver as he hit the Pikachu square in the jaw, the electric type poke’mon was sent flying from the impact of the iron tail. The Pikachu hit one of the rocks and bounced off landing face first on the ground. The yellow poke’mon stood back up and growled at Trooper.

“Alright Pikachu, try again!”

“Knock him back again Trooper.”

Pikachu tried to attack once more only to be knocked back again, this time sailing into Ash’s podium.


The electric type poke’mon slowly stood back up and glared at Trooper who seemed to be bored with the battle.

“Ok, let’s try agility,” Ash called.

On the field the Pikachu nodded and ran towards Trooper, once he was within a metre of the Nidoking, Pikachu began to fun circles around Trooper, the Pikachu’s image seemed to split as it ran, making it look like a circle of Pikachu running around Trooper. The Nidoking growled in frustration trying to track which was the real Pikachu.

“Trooper, Earth power.”

The Nidoking roared and stomped his feet twice causing cracks to appear around the pair, bursts of flames flared up between the cracks, the Pikachu lost its footing and nearly fell down one of the cracks breaking the illusion that was created by the agility.

“Finish it with hyper beam.”

The nidoking nodded and opened its mouth, a ball of orange light appeared between his jaws and fired at the still trapped Pikachu, engulfing the mouse like poke’mon in a bright white light.

“NO PIKACHU,” Ash shouted as the smoke from the hyper beam cleared revealing the fainted Pikachu.

“Pikachu is unable to battle, Nidoking wins,” the referee announced holding up his green flag.

Ash jumped off of the podium and ran towards the fainted poke’mon, he retrieved his Pikachu and made his way back to his podium. Once he was back on his podium, Ash pulled out his second poke’ball and threw it into the air calling “Go Servine.”

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