Interview W/ SmileyXBooX

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1.) How did you find out about Wattpad…?

I was on this app on my phone and I saw a comment someone said "Get 'Wattpad you can post your stories and people won't flag them if they're rated correctly!' I quickly got the app and my account was born!

2.) Can you relate to any of your stories…?

Honestly, I cannot relate to any of my stories, but I can relate to a few characters in them!

3.) What are your hobbies…?

I write (of course), but besides that, I love to paint, draw and clean. Yeah, cleaning is a lame hobby! -_- I also enjoy photography. :)

4.) Are you more of a reader or writer…?

I tend to read more, but I try and balance it out.

5.) What is your favorite story on Wattpad…?

This is a really though one... My favorite story would honestly have to be, either 'Daughter Direction' by JustLittleAlyssa or 'Stay With Us' by WhiteRain.

6.) What inspired you to write this story…?

This question is a bit confusing, but I was listening to music when the idea for 'Torn' came to mind, and the same for 'Fool Me Once'! As for 'Married To Mr.Bieber' I saw that xSnowKiss was having issues and wanted people to contact her about adopting the story. I did what was required and she picked me!

7.) Did you ever thing your story would become this popular…?

No. I never thought 'Torn' would ever get over 6k reads. As for 'MTMB' I figured it would get popular quickly because so many people loved it when xSnowKiss wrote it!

8.) Any messages for your fans…?

I love each and every one of my fans. They are so incredibly supporting. I woke up to 5 or 6 messages, asking me if I was okay, due to a message I posted. They all care about me so much. It's so inspirational. <3 (:

9.) Do you plan to make a career as a writer…?

I would love to become an author. I would really love to share my writing with the entire world.

10.) What story did you have the most fun writing and why…?

I have the most fun writing 'Torn' because everything about that story is so sweet and I can relate to it.

11.) Which one of your characters from one of your stories do you resemble the most…?

I resemble Holly from Torn the most. Aside from her looks. All of my likes and dislikes are her's. I wanted to be able to put myself in her spot when I wrote, so that's what I did, by making her personality resemble mine in multiple ways!

Thanks for the interview love! :) xx

Ok so there you go!!! I was thinking about making a new book in 2013. It will have not famous Wattpaders ( I will continue doing this one with Famous ones ), but more of rising authors... So what do you think?!?!?!?!?! Comment your ideas!!!

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