Chapter 9.

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Liam couldn't concentrate at all the whole way home. He kept thinking how he had hurt Niall and ruined...ruined whatever it was they had. He had just literally met the kid and he was already kissing him, who does that? And what about Danielle? What was she going to think? She'd never take him back, especially after kissing a teenager who happened to be his student. God, he was so stupid!

How could he have kissed him back like that? The answer was simple. Because he wanted to. But that was beside the point. The point was he had not only jeopardized his relationship with Danielle but also his career. It was against the law for teachers to kiss their students, wasn't it? It was the number one rule and he had broken it. Now he could be sent to prison for it.

He clenched his hands around the steering wheel as he continued think about Niall...and how gorgeous he was. It was those eyes that got him. Those eager bright blue eyes. And then there was that cheeky smile or the pale, flawless skin and his messy bright blonde hair. He was beautiful.

Suddenly, a horn blared and he slammed his foot on the break, causing his car to skid to the side. He let go of the steering wheel and let out a shaky breath. That's what he gets for thinking about Niall, wasn't it? Which was just typical really.

He was trembling from head to foot when he stepped into his house and switched on the lights. He got the fright of his life when he saw Danielle sitting on the sofa, smiling up at him. "Hey babe. I thought I'd surprise you after a hard day of work." she beamed delightfully. Liam gulped dryly, unable to meet his girlfriend’s gaze. "Li, are you okay?" Danielle immediately asked, worry on her face.

"I made a mistake Danielle, and...Please don't be mad at me when I tell you." Liam said desperately, running his hands down his face. "Okay..." Danielle said hesitantly, her eyebrows furrowed as Liam went and sat down, facing opposite her. Liam thought for a bit first, trying to get his words right. "Do you remember Niall? That boy who I brought home the other day?" He pressed and Danielle nodded slowly.

"Well, I might have...I might have kissed him." Liam admitted, although it came out a little rushed. Danielle’s eyes immediately widened and her face paled. But she said nothing. "Are you okay?" Liam asked uncertainly. Danielle cleared her throat. "No. I mean, I'm shocked...and surprised...and a bit confused." She admitted, running a hand through her curls.

"You and me both." I sighed. " don't even like guys." Danielle said firmly. It wasn't really a statement, more of a question. "I don't. Like I was a mistake. It never meant to happen a-and Niall means nothing to me." He assured her, placing my hand on her thigh.

She still wasn't convinced. "Maybe you should tell him that, then. So he doesn't get the wrong idea." She sighed, giving me a sad look. He blinked at her. Tell Niall? How could he- how could he tell Niall? He'd be broken if he told him that...especially when it would be a lie. But this was Danielle. He would do anything for her. He sighed and gave a quick nod. "How about I make it up to you? How about I take you to The Ivy?" He questioned, trying to change the subject.

She grinned. "Only if you tell Niall first." She giggled. His face fell. "Okay." I said in a low voice. "I'll wait here." She said cheerfully and I nodded, heading out into the pouring rain to my car. He guessed that Danielle knew he knew where Niall lived because of the tutoring.

He quickly drove to Nialls home, suddenly in a hurry to go to The Ivy with Danielle. He parked just a bit outside Nialls house, took the key out the ignition but stopped. Nialls parent’s car was in the driveway. And his brothers. Which meant they were both home. Liam sighed deeply, resting his elbow on the window sill in frustration. He was about to start the car again when he caught a glimpse of something blonde in the far away window of Nialls house.

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