chapter 4

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Okay so this is not the last chapter, I just couldn’t do it. Also warning contains sexual scene. Also dedication to Natsume cause I love when people comment and vote, hint hint lol.

Chapter 4.

For a moment after my mother spoke I was too stunned to speak. Then what she’d said set in and I felt a whole gamut of emotions. Disbelief, anger, sadness, hurt, anger… and well more anger. 

You’d think I would have learned by now.

“Let me just get this straight. You don’t want me to bring Mark, for Frannie’s sake?”

Both my parents nodded.

“Geez you guys take the cake.” Yep still haven’t broken the mould when it came to speaking to my parents.

“Nobody’s going to give a crap that Frannie’s brother is bringing a guy plus one to the wedding. They’re here to see her not me!”

“Darling, you know how these affairs are. Frannie’s wedding is a social event with absolutely everyone here, including the papers.”

F*ck I hate it when she calls me darling.

“So isn’t it the in thing with your crowd to be tolerant even friends with gay men these days. Good for your career and all that.”

“Yes well that’s part of the reason we don’t want you to draw attention to yourself. We want this to be Frannie’s day.”

“Draw attention-.”  I couldn’t finish. “Are you even listening to yourselves? When have I ever drawn attention to myself? Hell I even left you alone for five years so as not to draw attention!”

“Don’t curse dear.” 

My mother is officially a nutcase.

“You’re kidding right. You’re actually getting up me for cursing while sitting there dribbling crap about, my choice of partner, contending with my sexuality and drawing attention!” I shouted.

Okay so I may be losing my temper.

My parents at least had the decency to look a little stunned. If only at my behaviour.

“What does Frannie say about this?” I finally asked.

“Well your sister is so busy right now with the last minute arrangements that we thought we’d take care of this between the three of us. She doesn’t need the added stress and we thought we could deal with this without her having to worry.”

“So what you’re really saying is that Frannie doesn’t know about this. That you took it upon yourselves to inform me that you would not approve of me bringing my choice of partner to my own sister’s wedding.” My voice was calm and cold now.

Again my parents glanced at one another feeling not guilty in their admittance.

“You know you think I would have learned by now? But maybe I’ve just been hoping or wishing that you two would one day magically accept that I am your son and even though I’m gay I’m still your son and that you accept me, even love me anyway. I guess I realise that’s never going to happen and frankly I’m sick of waiting for it to happen. If I was any less of a man I would go get Amy right now and leave. And you wouldn’t be hearing from either of us again.”

For a moment my parents looked shocked but I took a deep breath and continued. “But I could never do that because that little girl, your granddaughter loves you both. And I would never willingly hurt her. I can only hope that when she grows up you still love her whether she is gay, straight or god forbid bi!” I stood stiffly from the couch. “I will be back on Sunday morning to pick Amy up and I better not find out that you’ve mentioned anything about this conversation or my choice of partner to her or I’ll make sure this is the last time she stays over.”

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