Connections to people

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A/N okay guys I love one direction so...this is the second chapter! Vote, comment and read if you think I should continue this!

Louis P.O.V

"Oi Mate! Over here" an Irish accent reached my ears. I turned to see Niall at the wheel of Harry's range rover waving at us

"Hey! Who said you could borrow my car?" Harry asked acting in mock outrage

"Just get in you buggers!" Niall exclaimed pulling over so we could hop in the car. I sat in the back while Harry took the passenger seat next to Niall

"So How did you find us?" I asked Niall as he headed towards the studio

"Twitter mate. It was going mad about Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson walking the streets"

" Well, thanks Niall"

"Yer thanks mate" Harry echoed as we pulled up at the studio and got out the car. We entered the studio then and was over whelmed by a Zayn whirlwind

"Hey Lou, Hazza! You took your time getting here!"

"Well Harry will tell you while we were late.. Harry you care to elaborate?" I said in a smart voice

" Well, we had to find an alternative way out of the flat cause screaming girls first thing in the morning is overwhelming. So Lou and I decided to jump the fence and well Lou fell, taking out a hottie below"

"Go on" I said laughing

"And then Lou just went off at her and the whole time I was thinking of the hottie in my rover...."

"Harry" We all chorused in annoyance

"Anyhow.. the little hottie was Australian and I wanted to give her my number.. so when she walked away I followed and gave her mine AND Lou's number"

"Harry! Do you know what could happen to us if those numbers you gave her are distributed?" Liam asked

"That's exactly what I said! But not so smart.." I said trailing off

"Well there is no use worrying about it now, it's done and dusted. Let's get to the studio, their already waiting for us" Liam commented and walked away leaving the rest of us to follow

I was walking away when I felt a familiar weight on my back.

"Boo bear, I still love you, you know that?" Harry said

"Yes Hazza, I know"

" And you know that nobody can replace you.Even that hot Australian girl"


"So you do agree that she was hot?" Harry said teasing me

"Yes but don't tell Eleanor that" I said dumping him on the floor. He got up then and locked me in a headlock

"GUYS! Stop messing around! Come on!" Liam was standing in the doorway, arms crossed

"Yes Dad!" We walked into the studio and what awaited us.

Isabelle P.O.V

I slipped the small white piece of paper into my jeans pocket and walked up the street, fuming.

"Harry the flirt, alright!" I said out loud, turning into my new street. I stopped at the doorstop taking off my shoes. I opened the front door to escape to my room and was met by my parents

" Did you have a nice walk?" My mum asked coming into the hallway with a box marked Belle.

"No, I got trampled by two guys and one of them had the nerve to give me their numbers!" I said taking the box from her and walking up the stairs to my room

The Love Triangle ( One Direction Fan-Fiction) #1Where stories live. Discover now