Chapter 32: Baby I'm Yours (Final Chapter)

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Ladies and gentlemen this is the last chapter of The Outcast. Please read the author’s note at the end. Enjoy!

Chapter 32: Baby I’m Yours

“Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both” – The Road Not Taken, Robert Frost

Nirvana Evans

It seemed to me like all I had been doing lately was trying to make things right with River. Why couldn’t we go back to the early days of our relationship when we never fought and misunderstandings were un-common? I was getting tired of this. Surely when River let me explain why I had forgotten about our meeting at the tree house he would forgive me. Right?

I decided it would be wiser to speak to him in person since we hadn’t seen each other in a couple of days instead of just explaining everything by text. So this was how I replied.

To: River

From: Nirvana

I’m sorry I stood you up. Something came up and I couldn’t make it to the tree. When can I c u? We need 2 talk.  

I pressed the send button and waited anxiously. A couple of minutes later I received a reply.

From: River

Ok. I’ll see u 2morrow at school.         

Ugh that’s right. Today was Sunday therefore tomorrow was my favorite day of the week; Monday! Note the sarcasm.


(Monday at school)

I was anxious as I walked to the dreaded hellhole that was my school. I had to face River, hope that Tara was done with her harassment and later on I would go visit Collin. But of course if Tara still decided to bother me I always had the backup plan now that I had some dirt on her as well. I just hoped it didn’t come to that because I detested confrontations.

To my utter surprise, Will was leaning against his fancy silver car in the parking lot glancing at his watch. I wondered what he was doing out here? To make things even more shocking, I noticed River was standing by the outside stairs with his messenger bag slung over his shoulder. What really shocked me was that both boys waved me over at the exact same time. Jeez talk about synchronicity. I had a moment of puzzlement as I pondered who to greet first. My eyes moved between both of them until I made up my mind. I looked straight ahead and waved. I must have looked really retarded to anyone observing me right now seeing as my line of sight was directed at a big oak tree. Both the guys didn’t seem to notice my weird wave. Now I was only left with one problem. Who do I walk over to first? You must be thinking I was overanalyzing the situation but I wasn’t. If I walked over to Will first, River might misunderstand my actions and walk away. But if I ignored Will and walked over to River Will was going to be hurt and jealous. What the hell was I supposed to do? I couldn’t please both people.

Robert Frost’s poem came to mind in that instant.

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood

And sorry I could not travel both

Ain’t that the truth Mr. Frost, I thought to myself as I remembered the last three stanzas.

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

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