Chapter 6

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In the BL/Ind main building a meeting was being held. The great white hall gleamed with importance and an upheld cleanliness that made Jonathan H Fox proud to be a founder. Inside however, didn't. Keiko Noboru sat glaring at him and as much as Jonathan would deny it; she was a very intimidating woman. She who had avoided the mysterious 'Short Circuit's' bullets so easily, she who had discovered Emily Von Lumic and her bumbling father and brought them to the building.

"Mr Fox" she spoke, anger more than clear in her voce. Jonathan took a seat. "Miss Noboru" he greeted sternly "the girl has escaped. I demand action" she said irritably, he held back a patronising chuckle "Miss Noboru it's not that simple..."

"oh I believe it is." she cut him off "the girl must be found at all cost. " Jonathan sighed impatiently "then what do you suggest? We go after them?" he asked and he watched as a cold smile flickered across her face "not us, Mr Fox. But him" Keiko threw a folder at him, and when it was open, horror shook his body.

"the Scarecrow?" he asked and she raised an eyebrow "who else, Mr Fox? Who else would be so perfect for the job? Not only shall he get the girl, but he will also be rid of those troublesome killjoys." she smiled as nervous sweat ran down his face "but... The Scarecrow hasn't  been used since the first days of the pill back in 2012. He was deemed unsafe." Keiko slammed her hand down on the desk "DO YOU WANT THIS DONE OR NOT?!?" she shouted and he closes his eyes patiently "even if I were to consider using the Scarecrow, he wouldn't know where to begin looking for them."

"do you really think I'd be so unprepared?" she asked pulling out a small beeping remote "when that moron Circuit jumped on me, I placed a small tracking devise on her boot. I know where she is right as we speak." Jonathan looked nervously at the remote then at Keiko "just think how Better Living will fail without Emily. Think of how bad you should look against your brothers. Think, Mr Fox" she whispered and then finally left the room, leaving Jonathan alone with his growing thoughts.

An hour later he caught up with Keiko "get Scarecrow" he stated and she smirked "I already did"

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