How the Claws Have Turned

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A/N Thanks so much for reading, don't forget to comment/vote to let me know what you think!



Lying unconcious on the ground, with his claws still protruding from his fingertips. So many questions flashed through my mind, as everything around me seemed to move in slow motion.

"We have to get out of here." Declan tugged on me, trying to pull me to my feet. Why did he attack Declan? Why was he trying to kill him? I was in so much shock that I couldn't move. It felt as if my body was frozen in place. Declan shook me by my shoulders, trying to knock some sense into me. 

"What were you saying, before he attacked you. You were saying something but you never got to finish." I reminded Declan, twisting my neck around so that I could look him in the eye.

Worry crossed over his face. "All I know is that if it's true, we have to get as far away from here as possible."

"You need to tell me." I grabbed Declan by the hand, as he pulled me onto my feet.

"When I went looking for you, I traced your scent to the golfcart." His voice was low, and his eyes were darting back and forth.

"Did you see who attacked us?" Declan gulped uneasily, nodding his head up and down. "Well, who was it?" I shook him roughly, losing my patience.

Declan's inhaled deeply, before whispering, "Tuck."

It felt as if I had just been stabbed in the chest. "That doesn't makes sense. Why would he do that?"

"I don't know, but I have a feeling that this isn't his first time going rogue."

"What do you mean?" I asked defensively. Tuck was my friend. He was the first person I started to trust. He had become a best friend to my brother, and a confidant to me. None of the pieces seemed to fit together for why he'd do this. 

"All those wolf attacks happening recently, they aren't Caedis." He said this part low, his eyes glowing slightly as he scanned the area.

"Now you're starting to sound crazy." I accused him. "Of course Caedis is behind the attacks! Who else would do something like that?"

Declan gripped me tightly by the shoulders. "All I'm saying is that if Carter was behind the attacks, then I would have warned you about them." 

"Cut the bullshit." I rolled my eyes. "You can't possibly get me to believe that Tuck is the one going around attacking human high schoolers!" I started to raise my voice. 

"You have to believe me Tess." Declan looked straight into my eyes. "How well do you really know Tuck?"

"More than you!' I shoved him off of me. "How do I know it wasn't you who attacked us?" I shot back at him, starting to scream. "You knew we'd be at the Haunted House. Maybe Tuck heard me scream and came to save me." I started to stumble backwards, inching farther and farther away from Declan. 

"You know I wouldn't do that!" He yelled back, his eyes glowing as his anger fueled.

"Do I?' I whispered softly. "What was your plan, Declan? To get me all alone out here so you could take me back to Carter?" 

"Now you're the one who sounds crazy." He took a step towards me, and I took one back.

"It wouldn't be the first time you've tried hurting me." 

"You know it wasn't like that." He argued. 

I could feel tears stinging my eyes. "Stay away from me."

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