[18] A New Friend

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Chapter 18 guys :D

Please remember to comment and vote!

And enjoy, most of all ;)

Also, I'm not going to be updating Try Not To Be Afraid of the dark for a while :'(

Only because I'm editing it :)

And Broken Beyond Repair is on hold AGAIN, as I have no inspiration to write :(

One last thing, do you guys actually read these author notes? Or am I just rambling on to myself about random crap? :/

If you do read them, please tell me in your comments! :D



I try and control my breathing, in case of the off chance that they're not waiting for me, instead just waiting for someone else. Yet I know that they're waiting for me; I know they've been following me all along since I set off.

Trying to forget about who's outside, I decide the only thing I can do now is sleep. If I try and get away, they're sure to catch me and then probably kill me.

After about five hours of tossing and turning, I realise that I'm probably never going to be able to get to sleep, not while I'm this scared.

Some time later, I notice the blanket of darkness dissapear from the sky, allowing the sun to come up. Poking my head out of where I am now, carefully in case I am spotted, I realise that whoever was outside last night, is nowhere to be seen this morning. Quickly yet quietly, I slide out of my hiding place, and tiptoe towards a tree and hide behind it, just in case my 'stalker' is waiting not so far away. But after a while, with no movement what-so-ever, I peep out from behind the tree and carry on with my quest to find Caleb, heading North yet again, furiously trying to remember the path the waves took when they washed me away to the beach.

I've only been walking for about five minutes, when I hear a noise that sounds just like the snapping of a twig underfoot. Swinging round, I gasp as my eyes lay on a small girl, terrified as to what she thinks I'm going to do to her.

"Rue!" I exclaim, scaring her a bit with how loud I am being.

"Um..." She says, a slight tremour in her voice. "I'm sorry."

I take a deep breath, wondering what I should say to her. I know that any other tribute would just kill her, but she's the exact same age as me! I would never be able to do it. And I suppose anyway, I'm not like any of the other tributes, I will do anything to avoid killing anything or anyone unless it's for the ultimate survival.

"What are you doing here Rue?" I ask her, not wanting to moe any closer in case I frighten her, "You where the one following me last night, weren't you?"

Slowly, she nods her head. "I'm sorry, I just didn't..."

I interupt her before she finishes speaking, as I know exactly what she's going to say. Twelve year old girls minds are pretty must the same, after all. "You didn't know where to go, you were lost, weren't you?"

Again she nods, this time taking a step back from me, a look of horror in her face. I'm shocked at her reaction. "No, it's okay! I'm not going to hurt you!" I tell her, smiling weakly to show I'm being genuine.

Rue, after a few minutes of silence, takes a step towards me, showing that she's willing to trust me. "Okay," Is all she says.

I smile again, brushing some leaves off my boots, "I would offer you some food, but unfortunately, I don't have any."

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