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Zayn's POV

We got to a hotel at midnight. I couldn't drive anymore otherwise i'd wreck all of us, which would not be a good thing. I saw Shelby asleep on Harry and Harry drooling on her. I think Niall fell asleep on Louis and Louis is just sleeping with his head up. Liam is drinking so many engergy drinks so hes up and hyper.

"Hey, hey, hey, Zayn." Liam said.

"What?" I asked parking in the hotel parking lot.

"WHERE ARE WE?!" He asked so hyper.

"At at hotel." I said trying to calm him down.

"I LOVE THOSE." He said.

"Yeah, okay since your the loud one you should wake up the boys and Shelby." I said.

"OK MASTER!" Liam yelled.

"Liam...i'm not your master." I said rubbing my eyes.

"WAKE UP YOU DIRTY ANIMALS! Exept for you Shelby your like a flamigo raaawrrr." Liam said. Everyone woke up with a jump.

"Liam?" Shelby asked rubbing her eyes and feeling her face which had Harry's drool on it.

"Ew! Harry were you drooling on me?!" She yelled getting off his lap.

"Sorry..." He said.

"Where are we?" Louis asked stretching.

"AT A HOTEL!" Liam said excited.

"Okay what is wrong with Liam?" Louis asked a little scared.

"Well we stopped at a couple gas stations and he got a couple energy drinks..." I said.

"Great." Harry said.

"Is Niall still asleep?" Shelby asked unbuckiling and turning around.

"Yeah." Louis said laughing a little.

"May I wake him up?" Shelby asked.

"Sure, do the honors." Louis said taking a bow.

"NIALL PEED HIS PANTS!" Shelby yelled.

"What! What!?" Niall yelled. We all laughed. He looked so confused.

"Where are we?" He asked.

"AT A HOTEL BUDDY!" Liam yelled.

"Geese, Liam, im up now you don't have to yell..." Niall said rubbing his ears.

"GOT IT!" Liam said still yelling.

"LIAM!" We all yelled. He just sat down.

"Everyone get ther bags." I said getting out of the car.


Right when Shelby got in she went into the bathroom and changed then went right to bed.

"Goodnight Zayn." She said sleeply.

"Goodnight love." I said still standing.

"My bed will be this one." Louis said picking the one next to Shelby.

"I guess me and the hyper monkey will be in the other room." Niall said opening the joining doors.

"Wait Niall! This isn't a-" I tried to tell him. He opened the door to the room next to ours and a woman was changing. She screamed then stopped.

"Wait, are you one direction?" She asked covering herself with her blankets.

"No...were Maroon 6." Niall said slowly closing the door then locked it.

"So we have to share beds?!" Niall asked.

"Liam will sleep with Harry you'll sleep with me." Louis said.


"Liam! Shut up!" Harry said smacking his man boob.

"Harry can I talk to you outside?" I asked him.

"Yeah sure." He said following. We got out into the hall.

"Look I was just kidding about that whole thing about 'You date on of us, you date all of us' okay?" I said.

"Well, I do like her a bit." Harry said.

"Well don't, I know her way better then you ever will, and I dont want us to have a problem. I love you  Harry. But not like I dont wanna fight over a girl that loves me." I said. Harry nodded his head.

"So I should let her go." Harry said looking at the ground.

"Yeah. We'll find you a girl." I said patting him on the back.

"Thanks." He said.

"Try to cheer up. I would think you loved Ashley way more then you would with her since you did it with Ashley." I said laughing.

"Yeah,  but I guess I just wanted to get naked." He said all depressed.

"K, you can get naked while you sleep with Liam, see if he even notices." I said laughing.

"Yeah, that would be nice." Harry said.

"Yeah..." I said.

"Well lets go back in I guess." Harry said opening the door but he couldnt because once again, I forgot the damn key! I banged on the door and Liam opened it with a huge grin on his face.

"AW no maids I can scare away." Liam said letting us in.

"Shh. Now go to bed Liam." Harry said. I took my shirt off and my pants and crawled in with Shelby. I saw Harry take his underwear off and looked away. I heard Harry get in his bed.

"LIAM!" Harry screamed.

"What?! Your naked too!" Liam said. Shelby opened her eyes and widened them.

"Are you guys naked in the same bed?!" She asked.

"Yeah WANNA JOIN OUR PARTY?" Liam yelled.

"No." She said discusted. I smiled and rubbed his arm and kissed her. I wounder when she'll let me do it with her.  Hm maybe i'll have a dream about it.

And It's All Because Zayn Malik Pulled Me Up On StageWhere stories live. Discover now