Ch. 13- It's such a crying shame

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A/N... Hey guys here is Ch. 13!!! I hope you like it, it took forever but i am uploading quicker 


Ch. 13- It's such a crying shame

Jacob's POV

I turned around to see Edward.

"Um... E-Edward can you please stop breathing on my neck?" I asked stuttering.

"What is wrong with you, Bella is my wife and what about Renesmee? Have you stopped to think about how my daughter would react?" Edward spoke icy.

"Calm down Edward. I love Renesmee; I mean I love Bella just not in that way anymore."

"Well you could at least try to keep your hands off my wife." He said.

Bella had already gone inside. I could hear Bella talking to Tanya about Brittany. I kept on thinking to myself how is this going to turn out? I knew Edward was reading my thoughts but I didn't care. This wasn't about him. This was about my soul mate Renesmee. I heard someone yelling and heard loud footsteps like someone was stomping their feet. I ran in the house just to see who it was.

Renesmee's POV

How could he kiss her? My mom? Jacob loved my mom? How? I could sense tears about to start. I ran to the bathroom and locked myself inside. I had to think with no interruptions. What was the meaning to this? I had already known Jake and my mom had a really close friendship I just didn't know it was this close. How could he do this to me? I know it was just a kiss on the forehead but still it was a kiss. How could my mother allow this? Why would she cheat on my father with my boyfriend? I had to get to the bottom of this.

I yelled for my mother.

"What is it sweetie?" My mother questioned.

She looked concerned. I started to cry.

"Ness what's the matter?"

I couldn't bring myself to tell her. I just ran outside of the house and just started running. I bumped into my dad and he looked at me with concern. I touched his arm and showed him what I felt. He told me all about Jacob and mom's relationship before I was born. I couldn't believe it Jake was in love with my mom. My mom was in love with Jacob. How could this happen? I questioned. I told my dad that I loved him and started running. I was running pretty fast. I couldn't see where I was going all I could see was a blur. I didn't care where I was going I just needed to leave.

By the time I stopped the weather felt humid and warm. Someone was walking across the road. He looked nice. I ran over to him and asked where I was. His response Florida. I couldn't believe where I ran too. It only felt like an hour. I didn't know I ran from Alaska to Florida. It didn't matter, this is where I belonged and this is where I'll stay.  


Hey guys... How did you guys like it? was it good? what do you think will happen next? What are your feelings on this? 





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