Chapter Twelve:Princeton

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Big Problem;My best friends are fucking tigers...and they are apart of my family, interesting,right.

After leaving Exploria gallery, I head over to this bar where the guys wanted to meet up and  talk and off hand Mariya some how invited her ass to. I groan seeing all them sitting at a booth, chumming it up but I walk over and was about to sit next to Auric until Mariya grab my arm pulling me to sit next to her.

         '' I order you a beer, hope you don't mind,'' she says, staring at me with her large dark eyes. I shrug and turn my attention to the twins.

'' So why am I here,'' I question right as the beers arrive and along with Mariya Strawberry-mango mix drink came along and I waste no time downing my mug of beer.

          ''We want to see how you took in the whole us being shifters like you,'' Nric says as he causally rakes his fingers through his blond hair. I frown, shifting my gaze to Auric who was busy making goggling eyes with a female across the bar.

           When they shift into their tiger form this morning, I kind of freak but they change back and said I was their Alpha and they would guard me. My best friends are my body guards now, what the hell has this weird world come to? I made up an excuse to leave before I had to really deal with this and now they decide to gain up on me.  This day just down graded even lower then it was already.

         '' I'm handling everything just fine but how the hell are you'll like me,'' I question.

Auric snaps his attention away from the girl and back to us,'' Our father is apart of Mariya dad Pride, when we meet you at one of the Pride parties when we was little, it was the first time your mother was introducing you to Mariya and our father said you was up to be the next Pride leader so he told us that we going to be connected to you for life. So we befriended you out of Wild animal insentience.''

         I prop my hands on the table, leaning forward,'' So you mean you'll knew about this before I even knew,'' I exclaim.

       '' Calm down, el alfa,'' Mariya whispers into my ear before she lace her fingers through mine and leans her head against my shoulder.

          '' We all knew but we wasn't sure if your mother shifter genes was stronger than your father human ones and we are glad to see that her genes beat out his so we wouldn't be a loner Pride.''

        '' Mariya, is your father going to be main Pride leader of his Pride than,'' I question.

 '' Most, Nric, Auric and I broke off from my father Pride to join yours so we really have no direction besides protecting you.''

           '' You'll don't got to protect me,'' I say trying to let go of her hand but she tighten her grip.

'' El alfa, I'am your  el comandante,'' Auric announces, bowing his head.

          '' El alfa, I'am your el delta,'' Nric says copying Auric by bowing.

 '' I, Mariya La Serena Rodgruiz is your primera mujer,'' she says proudly.

'' Primera mujer? Why did you claim yourself as a first lady,'' I ask her, raising up one of my eyebrows.

            '' Because I'm the first woman in your Pride and you didn't claim me as your mate than I'm just your first female until you make...things official.''

I roll my eyes at her tempt to make her my mate which I knew nothing on,'' Well than, I always thought wild cat was loners,''  I pip in my thought sense we was already on that subject.

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