Chapter 1

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She woke up during the night, at 02:00am, to use the bathroom. Four hours later, her 06:00am alarm sounded for school. Without using the bathroom, she put on her makeup and changed into her school uniform. The uniform was as follows; a white shirt, a green/black branded school tie, a black blazer, light dark tights and a black skirt. Her skirt waistband was rolled over a great amount, showing her long legs off to anybody who saw her. The bottom of her skirt was higher than the bottom of her blazer, leaving very little to cover her underwear. She had a large glass of water and some milk before leaving the house at 07:15am. As she began walking down the road to the school bus stop, she realised that she hadn't used the bathroom and that she had a noticeable urge to. She didn't have time to turn back, so carried on towards the bus stop. The bus turned up at 07:35am and every seat was already taken. As she stepped up onto the bus, she noticed the driver staring at her skirt. She had no option but to stand in the aisle and hold onto one of the barriers. The bus journey was rough and she could feel the water inside her stimulating her bladder. She had her legs pressed together and was trying to distract herself using her phone. The traffic was slow-moving and the bus arrived at her school 15 minutes late. Lessons began at 08:30am, leaving her with only five minutes to get to the other side of the grounds for her first lesson. She had no time to use the bathroom and was starting to feel uneasy. Her bladder was filling up and she could feel herself starting to struggle. Her school had recently implemented a 'no bathroom breaks' policy during lesson times, meaning that her next opportunity to use a bathroom wouldn't be until 10:45am. She had been holding for over six hours when she arrived and took her seat in her English class. When her friend asked her how she was feeling, she nervously answered, "full." The teacher started the lesson with a uniform check. He asked each student to stand up individually while he checked their uniform for any issues. As usual, the length of Olivia's skirt was an issue. It was described as "a distraction to male classmates." As she went to sit back down, she knocked her notebook off the desk. She leant over to pick it up and, as she did, she felt an intense pressure on her bladder. Alongside this, multiple students in the class had just caught a glimpse of her underwear as she leant down in her short school skirt. By 09:30am, her bladder was overwhelmingly filling up. Out of curiosity and fear, she decided to visit a website that checked how full her bladder was and how much longer it would be able to continue filling up before she was left with no control over it. The website gave her multiple questions to answer, some using a scale of 1-5 (1: not very bad, 2: noticeable, 3: quite bad, 4: very bad and 5: dangerously bad). The questions were as follows:

How long ago did you last use a bathroom?
She had last used the bathroom at 02:00am, seven and a half hours ago.
What clothing protection does your bladder have?
Tights and a short, tight skirt.
How bad is the pressure in your bladder?
She answered with a 4.
How bad is your urge to release yourself?
She answered with a 4 again.
Are you close to a bathroom?
There was no bathroom nearby that she could have access to.
When is your next opportunity to use a bathroom?
She had more than 60 minutes before her next possible opportunity.

There were five different levels of results, ranging from Level 1 – Level 5:
Level 1: you are completely fine. Your bladder is empty and you have no signs of needing the bathroom.
Level 2: you are slightly desperate. You don't need to worry, you can hold for a long time yet.
Level 3: your bladder is filling up quickly. You should probably visit a bathroom in the next hour.
Level 4: your bladder is close to full. You should have visited a bathroom already. You may have another 30 minutes    if you haven't yet found a bathroom. Hurry!
Level 5: you're in extreme danger of having no option but to release yourself right now. You should have visited a bathroom several hours ago. You have no time left!

She refreshed the page and waited for the results. She was at Level 4 already.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Oct 28, 2018 ⏰

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