Princeton Imagine: Ride With Me

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“Ugh I wish I back home.” You thought to yourself as your mother unpacked the moving boxes. You had just moved from (Your location) to (New location) unwillingly because your mom got a new job. The new area was so different from what you were use to and you didn’t know a single person.

Mom:  *Unpacking* “What’s the matter sweetie?”

You:  *Sigh* “Mom you already know what my problem is!”

Mom: “Look I thought you understood. I had to take this job; I don’t see you paying any bills in here so I had to sacrifice things!”

You: *Voices rises* “But why did I have to sacrifice too?”

Mom: *Yells* “Don’t raise your voice with me! I’m trying to make this a better life for us!”

You: “Better life for who? I don’t know anyone out here and I can’t see my best friends anymore!”

Mom: “The best way to get to know people is to go outside! You’ve been stuck up in this house all week! Go outside, there’s a beach a few blocks away why don’t you walk by the boardwalk?”

You: “I don’t feel like it I just wanna stay home!”

Mom:  “Then stop nagging me! Either you go outside or shut the hell up!”

Anger bottled up in your body and before you knew it you were pulling on a t-shirt, shorts and converses. You quickly pulled your hair into a ponytail and head for the door. You couldn’t stand one more minute with your mom. You walked outside and stared at the neighborhood for a long time, the sun was blazing on your face and there weren’t many people out. You hoped the beach would be different. You looked up at the sky and saw a bunch of seagulls circling the same area so you walkover in the direction they were, figuring that’s where the beach was. 

                After a few minutes of walking and taking in the landscape of the neighborhood you spotted the boardwalk; old people, small children, and middle aged adults were all either on the beach or boardwalk but there were no teenagers to be seen. Great I live in a senior citizen’s home with a damn daycare attached!  You walked onto the boardwalk and looked around casually; the only good thing about this new place was that it was quiet.  You pulled out your iPod and began bumping to loud reggae music in attempt to drown out life. Maybe it was the fact that your iPod was too loud, maybe it was the fact that he was going to fast on his bike, or maybe it was destiny. Either way the breath was knocked out of you when you fell to the ground with a loud THUD!

?: “Oh my gosh are you okay?”

You head was dizzy and you hardly see a thing except the sun and he dark figure staring down at you. You couldn’t make out the figure’s face but you could hear his deep, concerned voice as he spoke.

?: “Hello, are you okay!”

Finally after several seconds your sight came back and the figure above you began to take shape. It was a boy… with large hair and tan skin. His beautiful dark eyes stared back at you with concern and he was wearing a black and yellow Nirvana shirt.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2012 ⏰

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