Chapter 17 - Yours

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A/N : Sorry for the cliffhanger xD :3 Thanks for voting and commenting though :) Stay awesome :3 c:


Zack's P.O.V

Looking at her small figure collapse all of a sudden brought fire to my eyes . Snapping my gaze at the person behind her , my anger raged . That Bitch stood there with a baseball bat which I have no idea were it came from , with a evil smirk on her face .

"What the fuck Rynae ?! " I snapped , carrying my beautiful mate's unconscious self and lay her down at the couch in my office . Linking Roscco , I ordered for him to have a doctor in my office in 15 minutes tops .

"WHAT THE FUCK ME?! I'M FINE THANK YOU , BUT WHAT HAD GOTTEN INTO YOU ZACKY ?! " she screeched , inching forward . The sound of her heels came clicking on my wooden made floor , killing my eardrums if you'd asked .

"WHAT HAD GOTTEN INTO ME ?! WELL LET ME FUCKING TELL YOU . I'M IN LOVE AND IF YOU KEEP BITCHING AROUND MY MATE , I WON'T HESITATE TO KILL YOU WITH MY BARE HANDS . " I'd slapped her cake face already if it wasn't because she's a female . I have my limits but if there's a next time , there's more than slapping she'll have .

"In love ?! Ha , you think what you have with that bitch is love ?! We're mated Zack . Over and over again , and there's no way of escaping that . " She smirked , tracing her newly done nails down te leather of the couch , looking at my mate with disgust .

"Those are just sex Rynae , get that into your thick skull since you've lost your brain when you're born. " My gaze turned cold thinking about the mistakes I've done since the past two years . I should've waited , I should've control my raging hormones so that Aubrey will be my first . But that fucking slut would appear everytime my hormones are out of place , what can I say ? I have needs. But not anymore . Aubrey is my need and I'm more than happy .

"You think she loves you ? She's mortal for gods sake , she can't be Luna . She's not supposed to be your mate ! I am ! I am the luna of rogues , YOU'RE MINE ZACK ! " Gosh what had gotten into her crazy self ?

"Listen here bitch , You've done enough harming my mate , your future luna , and now you're killing my brain cells . I can easily take your crazy ass down and make sure you loose your pulse in a matter of seconds . I don't even want to know why you're in France , so LEAVE before I make sure you will be leaving that door without a pulse . " Staring cold into her orbs , I flashed hatred and anger , making sure to tattoo everything I've said into her non-existance brain .

She stood here shaking , knowing that I'm not joking about killing her . But she covered it up well , "You may get away with this bitch , but sooner or later , Zack will be mine . " She hissed at Aubrey , before stomping her way out .

Strolling around my office , I counted the minutes . Gosh what took the doctor so long ?!

Just as this moment , the door is being pushed opened , revealing Roscco and man which I'm guessing is the doctor .

"Sorry alpha but Rynae is blocking our way down at the lobby . " Roscco bowed slightly , which caused the human doctor to stand there dumbfolded .

"She there. " I pointed at Aubrey , inching forward with them . "Take advantage of her and your dead , understand ? " I threatened the doctor , who gulped .

"Got it . " he answered , trying to stay professional .

He gave her a pulse check , followed by scrambling things on a piece of report .

"Can you tell me what happened to her ? " He fixed his gaze up at me , pushing his glasses in the process .

"Someone hitted her head with a baseball bat . " I looked at Aubrey's weak self , Clentching my fists . That bitch will pay .

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