Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

“Damien,” a whisper floated to his ears. Damien groaned and rolled over; he knew who was trying to wake him up and why they were trying to wake him up.

Damien,” the voice became louder and shook him a little. He wondered if he ignored it, if it would just go away, but he knew better.

“Damien, wake up damn it!” Ali yelled at her mate while shaking him.

“Damn it woman, let me sleep!” Damien replied to Ali and rolled over once again to get as far away from her as possible.

Ali pouted and crossed her arms while she sat on their bed. For the past month Damien and Ali had been going at it like bunnies and every morning Ali would wake her mate up to smell her. It was partly Damien’s fault anyway, telling Ali that his nose could pick up her pregnancy long before a pregnancy test could. So the woman had him smell her regularly, particularly in the morning because that’s when one’s natural scent is strongest; before the day’s scents are imbedded into your skin.

“All I want is a family and you’re denying me of that,” Ali said to Damien’s back.

She heard him sigh and watched as he rolled to face her, “That’s bullshit and you know it.”

Then Ali smiled, “Yeah but it woke you up didn’t it?”

Ali chuckled as Damien rolled his eyes and heaved a huge sigh. “Fine,” he gave in, “come here.”

Ali soon found herself wrapped in his arms and snuggled into his chest. She felt him bury his face in her hair then down to her neck. Damien made his way down her body looking for any changes in her scent.

Damien made it to her stomach and found nothing out of the ordinary at first; her natural lilac and fresh rain scent, his more woodsy smell and… something new.

Ali felt him stiffen and buried her hand in his hair, “Is something wrong?” she asked but Damien ignored her. He pried open her legs and continued to evaluate her. If Ali wasn’t so comfortable with Damien, this would be pretty awkward.

“There’s something…” Damien said vaguely and Ali’s heartbeat picked up. “What is it?” she asked.

Suddenly Damien’s head popped back up from underneath their sheet and he stared at her, “There’s a new scent but I’m not completely sure,” he trailed off.

“You don’t think it could be what I think it is?” she asked, her excitement was bubbling up but she held it down in case disappointment was just around the bend.

“I don’t know. I need a second opinion. Get dressed,” Damien said as he got up out of their bed.

“A second opinion? Damien I don’t feel comfortable with anyone else smelling around my parts like you do,” Ali said.

Damien smirked and walked back over to her and put his arms around her waist, “I wouldn’t let anyone sniff around you like I do, mate. Trust me, you’ll be fine.”

Ali made a face, still not sure but trusted her mate regardless and got dressed. Damien grabbed her hand and pulled her through the many hallways that Ali was starting to memorize.

They stopped in front of one of the many guest bedrooms and Damien knocked. “Who?” Ali started to ask but her question was answered when the door opened and they saw a sleepy-looking, shirtless Almighty Alpha staring at them.

“What do you want boy?” the father said to his son.

“Can we come in?” Damien asked, avoiding the question.

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