Beowolf Dies!!!!

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By Emma Soo

Beowulf died in a battle against the fire-drake yesterday. He was 71 when he fought against the fire-drake.

Beowulf had undertaken the job of getting rid of the fire-drake that was setting Geatland on fire every night. He died yesterday on the 11th of November 590.

The fire-drake had his lair in a cave near the Whale's Nest. There, there were unknown treasures in the cave that we only have discovered today.

The only person to hear Beowulf's last words was Wiglaf. We asked Wiglaf why he stayed behind and not flee like the other thanes. "My lord had given us gifts of gold, thinking that we might be faithful to him in the future. So, yesterday I remembered that day when Beowulf chose us as thanes and decided that the time had come to repay him." Wiglaf told us. He claimed that Beowulf had named him his next heir to the throne. Wiglaf told some men to carry as much of the treasure as they could and put it on to Beowulf's grave.

Today, many of the Geats were devastated when they arrived at the scene. They mourned the passing of their brave leader, Beowulf.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2010 ⏰

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