Delayed Awakening - Chapter Three

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Chapter 3

"Oh, look who it is. The music geeks." The blonde girl spat.

"Go away Ellen." Jack responded lazily, as though the blonde girl, Ellen, was not even worth enough for him to use effort to respond to.

Ellen looked around the room and spotted Hannah. Ellen's blue eyes pierced into her, but Hannah glared back with her extremely dark brown eyes which looked black. Ellen's piercing made no effect on Hannah whatsoever. She was used to facing people like her.

"You're a music geek?" Ellen spoke to Hannah for the first time.

"So what if I am?" Hannah replied calmly.

Ellen laughed evilly.

"It is so uncool. I knew you were different from us." Ellen smirked.

"Who gives a shit about being cool?"

Silence filled the room.

"You are banned from ever coming into this club ever again."


"You can't do that Ellen. We split remember? She joined our club. Not yours. So back off." Lisa growled. Ellen turned to Lisa.

"Fine. Just stay out of my way loser." Ellen gave in. She and her crew walked back out the door.

What's with her? Sheesh... talk about bitchy... Hannah thought.

"What's with her? She always seems so hostile and rude towards me." Hannah asked to nobody in particular.

"Did you meet her earlier?" Lisa asked her with a curious look on her face.

"Yeah, I was auditioning for the choir. She did not even let the other judges tell me their verdict... she just said "Next.". What's with that? I mean... what did I do wrong?"

"She's just a bitch. Ignore her. If you see her or the choir, just walk away. Especially if you're alone, 'cause she'll give you a heck lot of trouble." Hannah had guessed that Ellen might be a bully, and Lisa's last statement just confirmed it.

"What sort of trouble?"

"There are a lot of rumours going around about that. But I'll tell you what I witnessed. I saw her and a couple of others cornering a girl then holding her down. Ellen bent down to the girl's neck and opened her mouth. She bit the girl's neck, the others followed and bit some other part of the girl. It was a disgusting sight. When they left, I went to the poor girl... She was barely breathing... She had pairs of holes in the places where her skin was exposed. She looked so pale... like her blood had been sucked out of her... I carried her into my car and drove her to the hospital. The doctor said that she lost a lot of blood and that if she were left there for any longer, she would not have made it, but because I found her and brought her there, they had time to work with and she made it. You know what I think? I think Ellen and her group are a bunch of vampires. It's a scary thought. I know. But what else could it be? What else could've caused those marks? It'd be good if you stayed away from her and the choir. There are rumours going around that they only accept people that are already vampires, or people that get accepted get turned into vampires."

The words ran through Hannah's mind over and over again. "I think Ellen and her group are a bunch of vampires." Do vampires even exist??? How can this be??? But then... but then... what happened to that girl? I mean... if Lisa was there... it must be true. A whole group of people... are vampires??? What absurdity! Wait a minute... if vampires do exist... wouldn't that mean that there are a lot more of vampires in the world than just the group that are in the school? But... but... vampires are only mythical creatures... they're not real... are they?

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