Bittersweet Moments

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"What were you doing? Don't you think it's creepy looking at people while they sleep." I raised my eyebrow and asked him for an explanation.

"I was just...." he stammered avoiding eye-contact.

" were just..." I said raising both my eyebrows probably managing to make him uncomfortable.

"" he stuttered.

"Are you some crazy psychopath killer! who does such creepy things?" I knew I had ignited the flame now because he was glaring intensely at me now.

"I was just looking at your wound" he spat at once and I was pretty sure he was proud of himself thinking that I bought it.

"Seriously Kevin!!" I softened my gaze.

"You were trying to look through my bandaged wound, do you have some superhuman eyes?" I said with a lopsided grin. hah! I had caught him. He was still in denial.

I felt hungry suddenly, I had not eaten anything since morning and the dying whale sound that my stomach was making was an evidence to the fact.

"I'm hungry." I complained.

"What would you like, madame?" Kevin said with a sickly sweet smile.

I played along as I ordered a salad of some peculiar name, my mind makes up crazy things.

"We don't serve that here,why don't you go out and pluck some grass and then eat it, it'll definitely taste like whatever you had ordered." He said in the same fake tone of his, causing me to pout and make a face at him.

I tried standing up and I could, my leg was a little better now, I guess I could walk slowly.

"Hey, I'll try cooking today." He said surprising me.

"No it's fine, I'll do it." I assured him. As much as I would've liked to see him cook for his life, I couldn't risk my own life. What if he turned out to be a horrible cook and food poisoning would totally kill me.

"No, I want to. You keep sitting there or do whatever you want but I'll cook." he said stubbornly.

"Fine!" I rolled my eyes.

I slowly walked towards the main door of the house and opened it. A chill ran down my spine as cold wind hit me. The weather was rigorous and I was still not wearing my jeans. I went back again and relief flooded through every inch of me when I found that my jeans was finally dry enough to wear. I slipped it on and felt rather good.

"I boiled an egg." He shouted scaring me. "You're shouting like you diffused a Bomb. What could a poor egg do in boiling water but boil." I said sarcastically. He narrowed his eyes at me and I ignored.

I could still hear the sound of thunder. I wouldn't be surprised if lightening striked some electric pole and lights went out.

Weird things always happened to me. It wasn't even a minute ago that I thought about black out and surprise surprise, I could not see a thing now because of the darkness. I tried to walk and find my way to the kitchen but I stumbled on something and fell. My right leg hurt and I cried out in paint.

Kevin rushed out with a candle in his hand. "What happened? Where are you Kaitlin?" he looked around.

"Look at the ground idiot! I'm not flying up in the air" I yelled. He looked at me probably, It wasn't super clear in the dark.

"What?"I asked irascibly.

"How did you fell down?" He asked.

"A wall walked into me." I said irritably.

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