How I Come Up With Stories

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                Has any of you guys ever wondered how I come up with stories? Like, how I come up with the plots and stuff? It’s not as glamorous as you’d think it is, though, let me warn you. To be quite honest, RaeKitano was the one that made me want to write this. Because I came across that one publication about how she comes up with good stories and as I read it I thought that I did some stuff differently and had this urge to write it down. Oh and the example I give later on is based on one of my stories. I write LGBT stories. If you don't like that, then you could just ignore the example, or ignore this all together. It's up to you. Just don't leave your hate here, I'm not a nice person when people piss me off.

                Alright, so for the longest time the place where I jotted down all my ideas was my phone, until I couldn’t bring my phone out in the street (insecurity issues in my country), which meant I couldn’t jot down the ideas no matter when they came to me. I changed the tactic to notebooks, and notepads, and papers and stuff. I always try to bring a pen and a paper with me wherever I go in case something comes to me.

                Now comes the idea. You’d think I sit in front of my computer and the ideas just come to me by magic. No, they don’t. I get ideas from anything and everything. Songs, things that happen to me personally, books and manga and any other type of written form of communication that I read, movies, videos, hell even porn has given me an idea or two. Anything that I can take and develop and that is original will turn into a story idea.

                My memory tends to fail me regarding how I came up with the ideas for my stories, though. The idea for WBT came from this yaoi called Sex Pistols, and from rping with Shax_Panda. I don’t remember how I got the idea for MLWE. LTTS came to me while I was in school but I don’t remember what inspired me. DOLFAN came from an ATL song. And so on.

                Alright, next up, characters. The characters come from the story idea; depending on what type of story I write, I come up with a character that will best suit it. Very rarely do I think of a character before I have a story idea, though that happened to me with LTTS. I had Ollie and Sal thought up before I thought of the plot. The characters’ personalities have to go with the type of story you’re writing. After I’ve thought of a personality, I think of a background for the character. A person’s past forms their personality, so whatever childhood (since most of my characters are teens or around that age) they had, has to explain why they are how they are in the present.

                Then I think of their physical appearance. That has to, once more, go with the plot and their personality. If the character I’m thinking up is someone that looks like any other average person, or someone that’s quiet, I won’t make them have bleached blonde hair and a Mohawk, or neon green hair, or something like that. Sometimes I think up the physical appearances as I go, or there I times I don’t even mention them. And that’s most likely because the story is a short story. Next are the names. To be honest, my names most times don’t have a meaning. I choose them because I like them, but sometimes I choose them carefully, depends on the story and character.

                So after figuring out the main characters in my story, I elaborate on the plot, and what I want to do with the story, where I want to go with it, how I want it to end, what scenes and events I want to add to it, and most importantly, if it’s a short story of a long story. Mind you, I don’t write that down. I was NEVER good at making outlines and all that shit. No, just no. Because that limits my ideas and what I write. I keep coming up with ideas for the story and keep on changing stuff in it as I write, and an outline set out with particular ideas and nothing else limits me. It just doesn’t work for me believe me. And all that shit about how a book’s supposed to be build-up, climax, build-down, and ending, or whatever doesn’t work for me either.

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