Graziana and Niall

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I am sooo sorry for the late update! Really, I am. From the bottom of my fangirl heart, I am sorry. It's just that life happened and exams happened and I got grounded! Anyways, I hope you like it! -ReeanaBanana


"Come on Grazi, you can do it!" I heard my brother Louis  shout. Yes, my brother is the famous Louis Tomlinson of One Direction.

I smile at my brother's support and I run faster. I was in the lead and I could already see the finish line. I can't lose this. Faster and faster, one foot in front of the other.

"Go Grazi!" I heard a familiar voice shout. Was that Niall?! I turned my head slightly to the right. It was him! He smiled and waved at me. Oh my God I could just stare at him forever! Then it happened.

I tripped. No no no this can't be happening, I was almost there! I hear the crowd gasp and I see the other girls run past me. I quickly get up and run as fast as I can, but it was no use. I didn't win.


"And in third place is, Graziana Tomlinson!"

I heard the crowd cheer and holler. I smile at them as I step up the platform and receive my medal.

"You go, Grazi!" I hear Niall shout, smiling. I smiled back and waved at him. Being third place isn't that bad. At least I still got a place after that little accident happened.

After the awarding ceremony, Louis came down running towards me with Niall behind him. "Congratulations Grazi, I'm so proud of you! We're going to go celebrate later, drinks are on me okay?" He said, hugging me.

"Haha. Thanks Lou!" I replied. Niall came up from behind Louis. "Hey, congrats on your win." He said shyly with his adorable Irish accent.

"I hope you didn't mind that I brought Niall along. He had nothing to do so I thought, why not bring him here? Besides, he was just going to eat all day." Louis said.

"Was not!" Niall protested, punching him lightly on the shoulder. "Ouch, that hurt!" Louis shouted. "No it didn't, I barely even touched you!" Niall replied. "Whatever, I'm outta here." Louis said before walking away.

Niall and I shared an eye roll. Oh Louis.

"You were amazing out there Graziana." Niall said, meaning it. "Yeah right. Tell that to the girl who tripped and placed third." I said jokingly. "Well, you may have not won the trophy, but, I think that you won something better than that." He said as he took a step towards me, his cheeks turning a light shade of red. "What?" I asked him curiously. What was he up to?

"This." Niall pointed to his heart. I swear at that moment my cheeks were as red as a tomato.

"Would you like to go out with me? Let's celebrate your win." He said. "I'd love to." I replied. "Well then, shall we?" Niall asked, offering his arm to me. I linked mine with his and we made our way to Nando's.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2015 ⏰

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