Chapter Eight

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The rest of the weekend passed by awfully.

I kept waiting for my phone to ring, and for Grayson to explain himself, or at least apologize to me for the things he said. He was drunk, I would hear him out. But sadly, he never called.

I knew it was stupid of me to care so much, after all Grayson is infamous for being an asshole, why did I think that he'd be anything else for me?

Despite my knowledge that it was dumb to be so upset, I stayed in bed all weekend, and let my phone keep ringing every time either Chloe or Josh tried to call me. I didn't want to talk about it, it was too soon.

Monday morning, I was tempted to skip school. After all, my nightmares were even worse than usual, and I couldn't fall asleep for more than five minutes without waking up screaming. I was so used to having Grayson to talk to, I grabbed my phone instinctively every time I woke up, before realizing that I couldn't call him anymore.

I dragged myself out of bed, chugged as much coffee as I possibly could, and tried to use makeup to cover the giant bags under my eyes. 

I felt horrible, but I didn't want Grayson to think that I was running away from him. He couldn't scare me out of my own school.

I was actually kind of excited to see him today, because now I could demand answers from him. I'd corner him after AP Chem, and ask him why he was acting like such a dick. There'd be no escape.

The morning passed by slowly, and when I got to the usual lunch area Chloe and Josh were sitting there, apparently waiting for me. Grayson wasn't present, but I didn't expect him to be.

"What the fuck, Serena?" Chloe asked, irritably.

"What?" I responded.

"I was so worried about you!" She scolded, "You dissapeared from the party Friday, and you haven't picked up your phone all weekend!"

"I'm sorry" I said, guilt filling my stomach. Chloe honestly deserved more, I was too distracted by my own misery that I didn't take a minute to notice how selfish I was being.

"Explain what happened with you and Grayson" She said, calmly.

"How do you know anything happened with Grayson?" I asked defensively.

"Well, first of all, he's not here" Chloe stated, matter-of-factly, "And second of all, you asked my boyfriend to go check on him Friday"

"He- I don't know he was being mean, and he was yelling at me and stuff" I said, awkwardly. 

"But why?" Chloe asked, confused.

"I don't know" I lied.

I didn't want to spill about his mom, I owed him more than that, and it wasn't my place. Josh looked at me as if he didn't believe me, but thankfully he didn't push it.

"He probably didn't mean it" Josh chimed in.

"I think if he didn't mean it he would've apologized by now" I replied truthfully.

"I don't know, maybe when you talk to him-" Chloe started.

"Chloe, I didn't even recognize him" I admitted, voice breaking, "He was so cold"

"He was in a bad place that night" Josh added, "I went to find him as soon as you told me he was being strange, and it- he just- he was a total wreck"

"What did he say to you?" I asked, suspiciously. It seemed like there was something Josh wasn't telling us.

"C'mon Serena, you know I can't tell you" Josh sighed, "He's my best friend"

"Fine, don't tell me" I said, huffily, "I'm going to corner him after Chem this afternoon, and he'll explain"

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