1)The Nightmare

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“Car!” My name isn’t Car its Carolyn Gunn but everyone calls me Carrie except Harry; my best friend. He decided I needed a special name only he could use, so he calls me Car. In return I get to call him Har; most people laugh when we introduce each other since its ‘Car and Har’ but I love my best friend.

“In the bathroom Har!” I shouted back. He lives next door since our families are in love with each other. He probably even let himself in like usual.

I quickly worked on rubbing the black lines of my cheeks, knowing he’d freak out if he saw them, but I wasn’t in time.

“Car, do you wa- what’s wrong?” His fun loving face suddenly turned concerned as he stepped closer and removed a black line from my cheek.

“Nothing.” I smiled sweetly looking into his green orbs. Most people think we’re related when they first see us because we have almost identical eyes and the same shade of brown hair.

“Do you think I’m blind, I can see the eye-liner down you face.” Har kept rubbing my face trying to get me to tell him. When I sighed in defeat his lips curved into a sad smile. “You know you can tell me anything right? You do remember what I told you all those years ago?” He soothed.

I nodded thinking back twelve years.

I’d always known Harry since our families were so close but I was your typical three year old girl who didn’t like boys that much and truth be told I was a little scared of him. Harry was at least a head bigger than me and was always around other boys.

It was our first day of nursery at the first school and I was really scared since I only knew Harry. When we had play time I went outside and sat next to the fence on the gravel trying to hide from everyone. But then a boy came over who I’d seen with Harry a few times but I didn’t know him personally.

I stood up and tried to walk away when he pushed me over which made my knee and arm bleed. If you remember when you were that little an injury like that is the worst thing possible. The gravel had dug right under my skin so I was about to burst into tears when I heard someone scream.

“Hey!” They shouted; the next thing I knew the boy who had pushed me was lying on the floor looking very scared. “You shouldn’t push girls around!” I looked up to see who was my saviour and seen three year old Harry.

“Yeah, don’t be such a bully!” I shouted in a squeaky voice before getting up and hiding behind Harry.

Once the boy had gone little Harry took my hand and looked me over. “Are you all right Carrie?”

“I think so. Thanks Harry.” I said while giggling because our names rhymed.

“Do you promise to tell me if anyone ever hurts you again?” I nodded mesmerised by how alike our eyes were. “I’ll look after you.”

“Forever?” I asked.

“And ever.”

Har and I became best friends since then, he became my knight in shining armour and I was determined not to be the little shy girl everyone pushed around.

Of course not every wish comes true because I’m still the shy girl while Har is reasonably popular. It’s not like he’s the player of the school or anything just a lot of people like him. But he would never leave me, like I would never leave him.

“What’s wrong?” He asked bringing me back to the present.

“It’s really nothing, I just had a nightmare.” Har sighed in relief.

“I thought I’d have to beat someone up.” I couldn’t help but laugh at his disappointed tone.

“Not this time tiger.”

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