Chapter 4-Memories

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 Hey guys, sorry for the wait.  This is more of a fill-in chapter but I hope you enjoy it. 

        I walked out of History and to my locker,  it has been my 2 months in Hallcross and Louis' been a great friend.  I was about to close my locker when someone closed it for me.  I looked up from my novel.  "Hey loser."  oh God it was Sascha and her posy with her boyfriend Andrew.  "Sorry Sasha I gotta go."  I started to walk away when her hand made contact with my chest, pushing me back into the lockers with a bang.  "Andrew I think you should go back to class.  We need some girl time."  I looked over at Andrew with horrified eyes..  His sandy blond hair covered his green eyes.  He gave me a sympathetic look.  He turned on his heel and walked away.  I then looked at Sasha, her blue eyes piercing through my skin, burning each layer of skin. "What do you want now, you gave me such grief in 6th class so why now?"  she gave an evil laugh.  "Nothing matters anymore that was years ago in a different school. It's time to make your life miserable .

        "Fiona, is everything okay?"  I shut my eyes. I felt Sascha's grip on my cardigan loosen.  I recognised that voice though.  I opened my eyes and directed my gaze to were the voice came from, where I saw Louis running towards me.  "Hey Lou, what you doing here?"  she laughed stiffly.  I looked into his eyes which were full of concern. "Let go of her now." he sounded angry, I felt the tears stream down my face.  This wasn't going to end well.  "Fine." she put her hands-up in surrender, but she leaned  into my ear.  "But I'll get you next time, when your little puppet isn't here." she walked away, her posy following a few steps behind.  I sunk down to the ground, suddenly feeling light-headed.  Louis came to my side immediately.  "Fee you okay?"  I felt his hand on my face.  "Boo, thank you." He kissed me on the forehead.  "Don't worry I'll always be here for you."


          I woke-up with a start, the tears trickling down my face.  Louis.  I looked over to the other side of my bed, Nate wasn't there.  I didn't hear anything he most be out.  I got up with difficulty and went to the bathroom.  I looked up to the mirror, a huge scar across my face before the party tonight?  I then looked at my stomach which was bruised.  Where was Louis when I needed him most?  He promised me that he would always be there for me and that he would look after me, but now I'm alone.  I could never leave him, it would make things worse.  I stripped off my clothes and hopped into the shower.  The water running down my skin, burning it on the way down, I held my breath, trying not to cry out loud.  

        As I dried my hair the door unlocked and Nate walked through.  "Good your up."  he came and forcefully pulled me into a kiss.  "Since you invited Louis and his friends out tonight,  here's something to wear!" he pushed a bag into my chest, nearly knocking me over. I look inside and pulled out the dress. It was a black bodycon which had a cut at the top and it was short, really short.  "Nate babe, I can't wear this, you know I'm not.."  I was cut off by a sharp pain on across my cheek.  I collapsed  to the floor.  I looked up at Nate, his face burning with fury.  "YOU DO AS I SAY, WEAR WHAT I SAY YOU WEAR AND NO QUESTIONING, UNDERSTAND?"  I nodded my head feeling a tear stream down my face.  Nate turned into the kitchen and continued on about the plans and how annoying it was going to be.  I had a feeling this was going to be a long night!

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