the life and trials of a fallen angel

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I hurried up the stairs, I had to get there before he did anything stupid, when I got there he was standing there, still contemplating if he should jump or not ,I pulled him away from the edge "don’t " I said "please" then he did something I would never have expected from him, he pushed me up against the edge I screamed, I had a fear of heights and I was terrified what had Bryce become what had happened to make him do this "don’t" I screamed "don’t let me fall" I started to cry what if he kept pushing what if he killed me I looked up at him with tears in my eyes silently begging him to stop pushing but what I saw in his eyes was not a malicious smile like in a horror movie but pain and fear I started to push back until I wasn’t against the edge anymore "what’s happened" I asked

"I can’t, I can’t tell you" he said

"You nearly pushed me off the edge of a 3 story building!!!"I screamed at him "you owe me an explanation!!!" he shook his head

"I’m really sorry i-i-I can’t" he stammered

"you can tell me anything" I said knowing something was really wrong

"I-i-I’m a vampire" he stammered the one thing I wished I would never hear I’m not aloud near vampires I’m not allowed to talk to them nothing I had to act as if they weren’t even there and Bryce was one of them I didn’t want to have to ignore Bryce he was my only friend . I stood there silent for several minutes "Liz are you ok" he asked

"sorry I have to go" I said running towards the stairs he ran after me easily catching up

"Please Liz don’t do this, don’t leave me" he begged

"I’m sorry but I have to go"I said not looking at him because if I looked at him I would stop running he stopped running "liz please!!!!"he called after me but I kept running I had to get to mum before my father finds out I kept running I forced myself to run faster when my guardian twilah caught up to me and ran with me in wolf form "what are you going to do" she asked

"I have no idea, let’s hope I can get to mum before dad finds out " I said

"he is going kill Bryce when he finds out" she said

"I know" I shouted at her "that’s why I’m trying to get to mum first, do you know where she is"

"where she was last time" she said I ran as fast as I could and after a few minutes I found the house she was living in last time I knocked on the door "coming" I heard my mother call followed by her opening the door she smiled at me "come in liz" she said I walked in and sat down on one of the floral lounges "what’s happened" she asked me

"Bryce is a vampire I don’t know how long he’s been a vampire but its really recent and I don’t want dad to find out" I said

"I think there’s some kind of curse on that boy" she said

"why" I asked

"because in every one of his lifetimes he’s been killed because he was turned" she said

"what do you mean lifetime’s" I said putting emphasis on the s on the end of lifetime’s

"you remember last time this happened it was 14 years ago" she said

"yeah but that wasn’t it couldn’t have he wasn’t oh shit he was " I said realizing that what happened this time was nearly exact same as the time before "thanks" I said getting up to leave "I know what to do now" me and twilah left "what are we doing now" she asked me now in snake form

"well last time father killed him at school so that’s where I’m headed" I told her ,then I unfurled my grey feathery wings I had to get there fast I sped forward toward the school I was there within 5 minutes but I was cutting it close I saw father confronting Bryce father was just about to use spell that could kill the immortal and instead of it hitting Bryce it got me and indeed I died.

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