The Plan

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A/N Yes, I changed covers and I'll Dedicate this to The lovely girl who made my cover @LovelyOwls. And as someone feedbacked, I Capitilize unnecceary things.. And I'm a little busy so I'll have to proof read a little later. TOOTLES !

As his smirk gazed in my eyes, what the fitch ! Did I just say "gazed" ? and did I Just say Fitch ? Mary your an embarrasment. As I was saying, I Thought of a plan, not those stupid plans that get ruined easily, Those plans where you get people to help on, those plans that may take months to think of, but years to complete. 

  "Well hello there Mary, how kind of you too give your popularity to I, Jake Mild."

As I Turned around to the FRED like voice, I rolled my eyes.

"What do you want Mild ?" I Said with a 'Im Bored as Fuck' voice

"I just wanted to Invite you to Our table, you know, the one YOU used to sit in."

"Yea like Im gonna fall for that, bye bye Mild"

I Turned around, and walked away Like a Boss. Until I Felt drops of what smelled like Soda, On my head I Turned around too see The "Plastics" with a bottle of it. Then I saw the big boobed one holding a plate of Mac & Cheese and as soon as I Knew it, I Was a dinner meal. I Ran, ran and ran. I Took a glimpse of Mild, to see him laughing his ass off. I Stood there staring at him, He noticed and stared at me, me being Fucking mad, I flicked the bird at him and ran to the nearest bathroom.

'He's Going To Pay, a Price that only Oprah will be able to pay. 


Yea Yea, it was short SORRY ! I'm Busy but I'll update as soon as possible :) Bye bye my ducklings !

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